Yes I agree with Sojan and Jason, in recent years Valentines day captured a
special place in our hearts. For teens now it's more special than their

Here in Cochin they are gearing up to celebrate their own day. Shops offers
many gift items, cards etc. all gifts inscribed three sweets words "I Love
You" This week love is in the air. Romeo and Juliet's are ready to burn
their pockets, by arranging dance and dine star hotels making worth of this
special day! Teen's slogan is 'go out and spend some qualitative time with
those who matter':)

Previous year was also very fabulous valentine celebrations here in Cochin.
Before a week, teachers began to discuss about this day's specialty in their
school since I was a new teacher there. I heard many adventure stories of
our gals. We had a hot discussion about new trend. Senior most teachers
sighed, their plight was they lost their chance to celebrate. At the peek of
discussion, we 2-3 spinsters were asked to comment our experience....

We had nothing to say. One of our language teachers' very funny characters
to break our silence asked whether we got cards and letters in any African
language?? She was curious to know which language is used by these modern
guys to express their love which can't be fully express in words!

That day in personal prayer I shared all these lighter moments with Jesus
too, I put forth the same question (that teacher asked to me) to him "Is it
to be written in Hindi, English, Malayalm or in any African language?"

After few days I received a mail from Shincy, 9th batch full timer placed in
Ujjain. She never used to write to me. First part of the mail was ordinary.
Second part she wrote it as a letter from 'Jesus to Priya.' I praise god for
her imagination and talent to write like that. Letter began with the word
'Valentine'and continued as.... "I have called you by name you are mine.You
are precious to me and because I love you and give you honour....." Is
43/1-5. All sweet and soft words :)

My eyes were wet because he taught me again that he even care my silly
thoughts. And this year I am confident enough to tell my counter parts that
I too have received a wonderful valentine letter, that too from Jesus!!!!

Happy Valentines day & Enjoy it with Jesus :)


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