welcome to this wonderful group of our Lord Jesus .
    No explanation may satisfy your need but you try praying with an open
heart to Him through Her ,the result will be marvelous
----- Original Message -----
From: Shija Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 6:53 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] help??

> hi there everybody!
> i;m a new member-and i really think what u all have going here is
> basically i'm facing  a real doubt in  my christian life and i just
> one of u could help me out!
> i've been going to a 'believers' church since the end of last year and its
> really helped me in my spiritual growth.but they believe that the church
> one body and that it should not be divided-ie no catholics,marthomites etc
> etc.
> i agree with that but that makes all other churches totally nonsensical
> i just cant understand that.i tried going to the catholic  church that i
> used to go to previously ,but now i dont find myself very satisfied with
> that kind of service.
> and i also dont understand why we pray through Mary when we can do it
> directly through Jesus.
> could someone please help me out here?i'd be really greatful!
> awaiting ur replies
> shija
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