hi there everybody!
i;m a new member-and i really think what u all have going here is fantastic!
basically i'm facing  a real doubt in  my christian life and i just thought 
one of u could help me out!

i've been going to a 'believers' church since the end of last year and its 
really helped me in my spiritual growth.but they believe that the church is 
one body and that it should not be divided-ie no catholics,marthomites etc 
i agree with that but that makes all other churches totally nonsensical and 
i just cant understand that.i tried going to the catholic  church that i 
used to go to previously ,but now i dont find myself very satisfied with 
that kind of service.

and i also dont understand why we pray through Mary when we can do it 
directly through Jesus.
could someone please help me out here?i'd be really greatful!

awaiting ur replies

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