Coming from a productive weekend back to work really means getting ur focus
right. The first thing I do is eagerly open my Inbox to see how many mails did
I receive over the weekend. For me getting mails from people who appreciate
you for praying for them is real encouraging and it really sets my focus for
the week ahead - To continue praying for others. May we feel encouraged by
these reply from these bretheren who were thanxful when I told them that we at
Joynet were praying for them:

1. Thanks for your letter of faith and prayer.  I am coming back to health
from anorexia and an abusive relationship.  My faith has been pretty low as a
result of prayers unanswered.  I am learning about patience and trust.  Please
keep me in your thoughts when you are talking with Jesus. I need strength and
courage to keep going and believing.  Thanks again for your Christian love.

2. Thank you for your prayers! God has worked a blessing in grandpa's life.
His blood clot is slowy dissolving and is expected to fully recover! Praise
the Lord! Thanks so much for your part in this prayer! Take care and God
bless! Diane

3. Thanks so much for your reply, prayers and words of encouragement/assurance
and as you are hoping, I also hope and pray that all goes well in all aspect
of my life.  I know you will not stop praying for me.  Ruth

4. Thank you and God bless you for your prayers and encouragement. May God
protect you and keep you safe from all harm and evil in Jesus name amen.

5. Thank you for your prayers. It was for myself. I had surgery about three
weeks ago. things are going really well. I had a good Christian doctor
performing the surgery. which was a blessing to me. It Is supposed to take
about three months for me to recover fully. I'm still a little nervous that
something might go wrong . But believe that things will go good. sounds silly.
well I'll let you know once again I thank you for your prayers.. May God Bless
You.........:) Daryl

6. Thanks for your prayers and may the Lord richly bless, encourage and
provide everything you with every good thing.blessings,Paul
7. hie thanks it was xtremey nice of you God bless you  Leslie bhebhe

8. thanks for remembering my wife and the family in prayers i believed by your
prayers the Lord will do wanders is thir lives.
please continue to pray us .. George Kofi

9. Thank you, I appreciate you writing.  God bless you.  Susan

10. thank you for prayers. it means much. God bless you. kypwerz

11. Thank you!  God bless! ... wst

12. Thank you and GOD bless you.Ann

13. thank you In Him Mary G

14. Thanks ... you will be in my prayers too... Lynn

15. Thank you so much.Sue

16. thank you and God bless ... Barbara Fisk

17. Thank you for the prayers. Love, Terry

18. God bless you for your prayers.... Daweena

19. Thank you.  God bless you! -Iggie

The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God,
You fear nothing else,
Whereas if you do not fear God,
You fear everything else - Oswald Chambers

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