Dear All

Thanks for the prayers and support

On saturday after my work I went for Mass and made a fine confession. Fr.Johnson made 
a prayer placing his hands on my forehead since I was going for the Kodaikanal 
programme and I felt that God was really with me to go ahead with the programme(I was 
a bit doubtful about the programme as u can easily see in my mail).Praise the Lord.

The journey was guided by God.We reached the destination exactly on time and hey Kodai 
is real cold there.Praise the Lord.We were greeted by Jiddah and Sandhya.We refreshed 
ourselves and I took bath in the cold water and Ron gave and exclamation "Are u a 
human being".Later he too took bath.We had nice food and the hospitality extended to 
us was great.

Jose chettan came from Bangalore to take class on the Holy Eucharist. Followed by a 
Music class and I taught them Who gives the faith for the fa.. fa.. faith. We had 
Lunch and then a music session and then a talk on how Eucharist is not Cannibolism. We 
had a sharing session.Ron shared about how we both came to Jesus Youth and how the 
Holy Spirit leads us. Jose uncle also asked me to pray for Saji his friend who has to 
understand christ properly. So please pray for him

Rev.Fr Maasillamani came for the Eucharistic Celebration.Christ came in to all of 
us.Priase be to him and all glory for him. We had tea and then headed for Coimbatore.

Ron was saying that he had some thought telling him not to go for the programme. but 
still he came and then as he was introducing I felt that he had some problem and then 
I could pray for him.It was gone for then.Later however I could not have any insight.

The way back I was having a feeling to vomit and also a doubt that I did not fully 
adhere to my God. So I did a claim and told Lord that if I was in you then help me not 
to vomit till Palani.Praise be to him. I did not and then Biju asked me to pray the 
rosary and then I asked Lord to keep me safe from Vomit till Coimbatore. Although I 
could not pray the Rosary I prayed to Mamma and then I was safe in Coimbatore.

We reached coimbatore at about 1:30 and I asked mamma to pray for me since the there 
were no buses to go to our place and the Express buses do not stop here. Praise the 
Lord and Thanks to mather Mary for her prayers. There was an Express Bus and since it 
was night they would stop. So then Biju told me something "See when we go for Christ 
he will do everything to see that we are fine."

We reached by 2:30 AM and today morning we had called Jiddah to see how were the 
people finding after the programme . She told that they were not expecting that the 
programme would be so interesting IN CHRIST. Praise the Lord.

He was with us

With love and prayers in Jesus Mary and Joseph


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