It is a fact that a successful man possesses great psychological and
spiritual understanding.

One of our prayer group members shared how a farmer became successful after
a series of failure in his life. First, he was a successful, later he began
to lose his harvest. He used all the scientific methods to improve the
scientific cultivation. but nothing worked out  and he decided to sell out
his land. That critical time he happened to attend a retreat. There he
heard –“Go in to all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole
creation.” (Mark16: 15). In addition, word of God never fails and it always
brings forth-good fruits. He thought why shouldn’t I put this verse in to

He arranged 2-3 loud speakers and played spiritual tape in his garden. Yes
he was preaching good news to all the trees. Days went by. His neighbours
ridiculed him. But he had the firm faith that word of god will never fail
and bring forth the good crop. That year his harvest was far beyond than his
expectation. The Bible says, according to your belief is it done unto you.

The above sharing inspired many of us and one of my friends decided to put
this idea in to practice.  She began to preach the good news to the mango
tree, which never bore any fruits…in Kerala, the season for mangoes had not
yet come. (Season is month of April-May) still my friend’s mango tree had
already “3” mangoes on it! That friend is none other than our Annie Berly!
If She can try that, why don’t we?

Let’s preach the good news to 'all the creatures' and wait for the good
result. If there is any area where you are a failure “Preach good news” for
a minute daily and wait for the wonderful result!

Praise God!


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