Dear Friends,

I thought of telling you more about Gujarat. The authorities are claiming that the 
situation in Gujarat is coming back to normal after the communal violence. But the 
truth is that the normalcy cannot be achieved for quite some time. Still we get news 
of people being killed in various parts of the state every day. Yesterday also, two 
people were killed in Vatva (Ahmedabad).  

Thousands of Muslims are camping in various relief camps (rough estimate say that 
about 45000 people are staying in various relief camps in Ahmedabad city itself and 
more in various villages). They do not know what to do and where to go. They lost 
their family members, houses, workshops and businesses. Many women were brutally 
raped.  In some areas the shops are fully closed since the day the violence started. 
People are really fearful and it is common that people are shaving their beard to 
avoid suspicion. 

Now it has become common that even educated people appreciating the killers. We are 
able to see how ferocious is the mentality of the people. They are all filled with 
communalism and say that the minority community should be erased completely. Now more 
trouble is expected as Holi and Muharum are coming in the next week. Also VHP is 
planning to take urns containing ash of the people who were killed in Godhra to 
various parts of India. It will definitely create more tension and violence.  The 
people who are staying in the relief camps now have nothing to loose. They already 
lost everything. When they come out, we don’t know what is going to happen. 

As you may be aware, a systematic propaganda is going on to destroy the minority 
community completely. Pamphlets are being distributed asking people to boycott their 
institutions, businesses, products etc. etc. Evil is spreading in an unimaginable way. 
 The authorities are biased and even if they do formal enquiries, the truth may not 
come out.  

The ultimate thing that can do for Gujarat is to pray... pray for peace in Gujarat and 
in all the minds. Let the Holy Spirit flow to all the hearts and let peace be 

With lots of love,

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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