Dear friends in Jesus
Yesterday we all celebrated the Corpus Christi ( the
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ). As a priest I
celebrated it 9 times in India, many of which, with
the celebration of the First Communion of children.
This year in Ecuador also I repeated it with a first
communion, but this time, with the first communion of
an 80 year old grandma.
Her name is Martha. She is from a very poor family and
is sick now. When we visited her, she told us that she
had  received only Baptism and would like to receive
Jesus in the Communion. We were very happy to prepare
her for her first confession and communion. And
yesterday, was that wonderful day for her. 
She had invited her neighours to her small house,
where we gathered and celebrated the Holy Mass. She
was very happy that a Mass was being celebrated in her
poor hut. During that Mass she received Jesus for the
first time. I will never forget her face which very
well expressed her deep faith in the sacramental
presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and her love
towards Him.
When I said goodbye to her, she suddenly grabed my
hands and looking into my eyes, uttered very slowly:
When I heard that feeble voice, I felt an
inexpressible joy in my heart, which I never
experienced before in my life ...

God bless you

Fr. Rafi

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