“There was a constant war in my life for the past fifty years or so”. Mr.
Denis shared.  Mr. Denis is a white male, married twice and divorced from
both the wives. He believed in God but couldn’t conform to the teachings
of any human organization. Religion, for Denis is a strictly human
organization. He is an independent thinker and wanted to satisfy his own
whims and fantasies. Denis thought that he is right all the time. He
never sacrificed his free will. He belonged to a motorcycle gang. Did
drugs and every available vice.  Denis is confined in a hospital. His
body is colorfully tattooed. Denis is dying of Aids. He has only little
time left in his life. He suffers from pneumonia and other related

“ I feel bad.  I have given this deadly illness to my wife too although
we are not living together. There are many other women who may have
contracted this disease from me and might have transmitted to other
people and I feel bad about it” Denis said

 Denis was controlled by “human nature that results in death” Romans 8.6
He is dieing now. “I want to straighten up my life but I have little time
left” Denis looked through the window. “I shouldn’t have messed up my
life. Tomorrow I am turning sixty-five ” and at this age, Denis lives in
fear and anxiety. The sixty-fifth birth day he wanted to make different
because “ This could be the last”. I sympathized with Denis but I felt
bad at his present condition. Denis is not the only  Aids infected person
I have ministered to  at the death bed. I have classmates and fr! ieds
who died of Aids. But ministering to Denis was different. He led his life
the way he wanted. “Those who live as their human nature tells them, have
their minds controlled by what human nature wants” Romans 8.5. Denis now
wants to make a difference In life, because he  was an enemy of God. “ A
person becomes an enemy of God when he is controlled by his human nature,
for he doesn’t obey God’s law”. Romans 8. 7   “ I want to make my last
birthday different” Denis continued  “but there is a kind of Spirit in me
that tells me that God could make it different. What do you say father”.
I have validated. “You are right Denis”.

“Could you pray for me”? an unusual request! This man who had his life
the way he liked, wants to make a difference now. He is torn between the
desires of his human nature and the desires of the Spirit. Now the Spirit
influences Denis. “Those who live as the Spirit tells them to, have their
minds controlled by what the Spirit wants” Romans 8.5 and the Spirit in
Denis wants him to make some change.  “I want to have some peace in my
life” Denis said which was reminiscent of the Pauline teaching “To be
controlled by Spirit results in life and peace” Romans 8.6. If a person
wants to live as the Spirit tells him to do, he should have God in him or
her. “You live as the Spirit tells you to- if, in fact, God’s Spirit
lives in you”</S! PAN> Romans 8. 9.  Denis desired to be right with God.
He wanted to be justified in God, although none of these theological
axioms were clear to him. He yearned to hear the Word of God. I read to
him “ If Christ lives in you, the Spirit is life for you because you have
been put right with God, even though your bodies are going to die because
of sin” Romans 8.10.

Denis fell silent. He grabbed some tissue papers and dried his eyes.
Peacefulness on his face.  The Word of God touched him. “Yes sinfulness
made me die this kind of death” and I listened carefully to him,
sympathized with him, validated his fears and anxieties.  His newfound
freedom in God through Jesus made some difference in his thinking as I

“ What shall I do father so that I will not go to Hell”, Denis asked me
and that was reminiscent of “Sir what shall I do to be saved” Acts16.30. 
He was afraid of Hell and punishment. “I am sorry I have gone form God”,
Denis said. I mentioned to him about the Holy Spirit. We talked about
Jesus who “ will give life to your mortal body by the presence of the
Spirit in you” Romans 8.11. Denis was deeply touched. He asked me “ Will
God save me through His Spirit”

“Yes , you are redeemed in the precious Blood of Jesus”.  I said.  Denis
opened up a great secret  “Father I am a fallen away catholic. I need to
get back to the sacraments”. The war was over in him. The war between the
evil and the Spirit of God settled in Denis. He humbled himself. He
wanted to follow the desires of his nature but now he has changed. Denis
wants to follow the desires of the Holy Spirit. Our conversation took a
different shift.  I praised and thanked God for His powerful Word that
saved a confused man. He was torn between the desires of the flesh and
the desires of t! he Spirit and at last he got the right Spirit to
discern what God wants in his life.  God wanted him to make a difference
on his birthday.  Denis is alive as I write this. He is struggling. This
morning he told me “I am happy I am at peace with God”  And that reminded
me “ those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons” Romans 8.14 and
they are at peace. St Paul reminds us about our obligation in life and
that obligation is “We have an obligation, but it is not to live as our
human nature wants us to” Romans 8.12. If we have the capability to opt
and to decide what we should do with our life, it is to live as the
children! of God. “Those who are led by the Spirit are God’s children”
Romans8.14. God’s Spirit joins our Spirit when we cooperate with the
Spirit of God. “ God’s Spirit joins himself to our spirits to declare
that we are the children of God” Romans 8.16.   Denis found a different
meaning in the course of our conversation and that meaning was about his
suffering. “ For if we share Christ’s suffering, we will also share his
glory” Romans 8. 17.  Denis doesn’t complain as he used to do. He  is
resigned to God’s will.

 Praise God.

Fr Thomas Mathew/June 3rd 2002


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