Hi friends......,

Why people tends to do suicide.........?

They did for simple to complex reasons....

In my life also I thought about this once....it was due to the peaceless

situation in my family due to financial crisis...

Desperite due to hundreds of reasons...they tend to do so

Jesus is only answer as I found in Him an answer for everything in my

He would go for many solutions and never raise his eyes to

the Creator....As the psalmist says My help comes from the

Lord who created heaven and earth......

But I saw people who trust God also desperite...

and also see them rise again.....B`cos God is their help...

"Hope never dissappoint us"

Reading this mail by hundreds of joynetters itself

is a prayer smashed to heaven....Lord Altogether we pray

for our brethrens who `ve desperite in this world now...

show them the way of light and hope so that they find this earth

a beutifull place to live.....Amen

Thanks Jose for raising them in prayer

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.(S`pore)


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