Dear friends,
Dexon and Anitha commented very well. Jesus is the real answer for the
problem. Let us think what we can do

1)      Is it possible Jesus Youth to organize all Kerala campaign
against Suicides?
2)      We have lot of computer professionals. Is it good for think
about a web site-- fighting against suicides: Through the site we can
give counseling, advises etc, We can catch our Thomas Achan also.. Our
dear Pope recently said: use the possibilities of the internet
  Eddy chettan, Joseph uncle, Mathew, CC, Chackochan chettan please come
forward with your valuable comments.

Another point is Prayer Cell. Considering the family problems lack of
communication and sharing is a main factor. Few months back I read in
Sunday Shalom.   Fr.George Panackal (Divine Retreat Center) commented
about family prayer cell. Due to some kind of mispractices KCBC had
stopped the prayer cells in the initial stage. Instead of giving proper
guidance and control we gave up the beautiful Christian practice. It was
our big mistake. Are we ready to realize and re start the family prayer
cells? (We have family units in some parishes. It is entirely different
from family prayer cells) I came Bahrain in 1995. Since that time
onwards I am actively involved in our prayer group. In addition, Last 2
year I am a member of a prayer cell including 6 families. I am
experiencing the differences very well. Through the prayer cell we know
each other as a family member (more than a family member). Sharing the
problems. encouraging each other. praying together. eating togeher..
Rejoicing in the Lord abundantly.
   Through the prayer cells we will grow deep in the Christian
fellowship and definitely it will attract other communities. Let us pray
for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in the faith and love so that we
may be like early Christians.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuraikose-- Bahrain   

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jose Kuriakose
Sent: 04 June 2002 22:28
Subject: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

Suicide is a fashion?  Or a Solution?

Dear friends last 25 days I was just observing suicide cases reported on
one of the malayalam daily news paper. As per that newspaper 126 cases
reported. Within 25 days 126 persons suicides .The main reasons I found
out from the cases are family problems, financial crisis. . etc etc

I don't want to analysis the route reasons. Many of us know its impacts
on our society.
Share your thoughts about this social evil. How we can fight against
this sin?  What are the steps we can take? Is it possible Jesus Youth
can take any vital steps? Pray over this topic and share your opinions
in order to minimize the suicide ratio.

Send your thoughts. It is our responsibility to react with current
challenges of the society

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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