Two months ago, when we attended a retreat that included the world-traveled
charismatic priest, Father Robert DeGrandis, he spoke about spiritual warfare
and protection against evil spirits. We live in a time, he noted, when we have
to be aware of the evil manifesting all around us.

How do we defend ourselves? How do we secure ourselves spiritually?

Start out with knowledge: The more we recognize the works of Satan, said this
charismatic priest, "the more you weaken him." One way of recognizing such
guiles is to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. When we do that,
notes Father DeGrandis, God sensitizes us. The Blessed Sacrament is like a
heavenly transmitter. You could also call it a spotlight. It removes the
scales from our eyes, lifts our spiritual blinders. "Every hour you have spent
in front of the Blessed Sacrament, you have become more sensitive to the Holy
Spirit and the evil spirit," he said.

We also have to seal ourselves. This means pleading the Blood of Jesus.
Nothing scatters demons like Christ's Blood, because that Blood is what
defeated Satan at Calvary. Everywhere, at home, at work, even waiting for a
red light, we should plead that protective force -- at the same time that we
close holes or entrance ways that have been opened by sin.

To do that we have to be pure. When we sin, noted Father DeGrandis, we leave
Satan an opening. The devil is given a "legal right" to parts of our spiritual
territory. We must be on special guard against "repeated sin." "If you lie,
pretty soon you'll pick up the spirit of lying and won't be able to help
yourself," warned Father DeGrandis. "The same is true with the spirit of

We must be delivered. If there is evil in or around us, we have to ask the
Holy Spirit for guidance on how we can shake loose. This is so important that
Jesus included it in the Lord's prayer: "Deliver us from evil." It must be a
constant prayer. Every day we are exposed to evil: from sin and wrongful
thoughts or from books we've read or people we've been around or movies we've
seen. We are in constant need of deliverance!

There also must be forgiveness. Don't hold a grudge. We must free ourselves
not only from unforgiveness but also dislike, criticality, condescension,
arrogance, irritability, worry, pessimism, jealousy, and especially hatred.
This is for a simple reason: when we hold onto negative emotions, it is the
sustenance of evil. Demons feed on that negativity.

There must be a healing of memories. Often, says Father DeGrandis, evil
spirits "hook" into emotional hurts, especially painful memories. We must ask
the Lord to wash away the darkness of the past and replace bad memories with
faith in Jesus.

Harboring revenge gives energy to evil.

There is the need for prayer. It protects us from opening the door through sin
at the same time that it directly repels demons. And prayer is potent in
combination with another key safeguard: the Crucifix. Father DeGrandis noted
the power in the body of Jesus or "corpus," which is much more effective than
a simple cross. "The crucifix is a prevention," said the priest.

And then, of course, there is JESUS.

His simple Name is the ultimate defense in times like these.

"Always go back to the Name of Jesus," urged Father DeGrandis. "Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus. That's the best prayer you can say. Once you say Jesus, it's all you
need to say."

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