If I have cheated anyone, I will pay back four times as much” Luke 19.8

 This morning, I was sitting in my car at a parking lot. People were busy
parking. Hundreds of cars could be parked at ease in this place. All of a
sudden I saw a head move by my car. I was amused. I thought someone was
walking on his or her knees.  I was surprised. That was a very short
woman, possibly less than four feet tall. Her car was parked beside mine.
She got in the car, adjusted the seat and drove away. The image of
Zacchaeus flashed through my mind.  Zacchaues was short of stature,
unlike some of us. Many of us might think that we are the tallest people
on the planet earth. But Zacchaeus was short and he knew his disability.
People used to make fun of him but he “was a chief tax collector ! who
was rich” Lk.19.2. Imagine how much wealth he may have amassed.  Yet he
was short. He acknowledged his size. He is a wonderful example for many
of our inner healing. Zacchaeus could have a nickname. I call him Zachy.
I don’t know any of you have Zachy, for pet name. If so please bear with
me.  Our Zachy in the Bible was short and he recognized his difficulty
and disability. He climbed a tree to see Jesus. Unless we recognize our
disability, we cannot claim responsibility for our disability. If we do
not claim responsibility, we may never find a way out of our pathetic
situation. If Zachy failed to recognize his disability, he would not have
taken an earnest effort to see Jesus. He would have been standing on the
gro! und and would have said “ I am rich why should I take the pains to
see this man Jesus” but Zachy thought differently. Otherwise  Jesus may
also decided otherwise. Zachy realized who and what he is. He started
sorting them out. He never expected to gain an equal stature like the
other men or women. He didn’t ask for a miracle. He didn’t have any clue
as to what would be the attitude of Jesus to him. He never thought of
being observed by Jesus. He just wanted to see Jesus. Single minded
devotion to see Jesus was his motivation to climb the tree. He ran ahead
of Jesus. He took an earnest effort and that pleased Jesus. His effort to
See Jesus, God walking on the earth was a matter of importance for Zachy
and Zachy’s attitude for Jesus! too. Zachy climbed a tree. He sat there.
Jesus came near the tree. Jesus motioned Zachy to come down.

Zachy was happy. Zachy couldn’t believe himself, when Jesus said “I must
stay in your house today” Luke 19.7. Zachy leaped for joy and guided
Jesus to his home. Zachy was rich and famous. People knew him. He was a
public sinner. “This man has gone as guest to the house of a sinner” Luke
19.7. Zachy was surprised. He forgot everything else as Jesus entered his
home. He said to himself. “I am happy” He might have called his beautiful
wife and children. He might have called his male and female servants. 
Zachy belonged to the sinners group and Jesus loved the sinners. Jesus
came to redeem the lost. “T! he son of man came to seek and to save the
lost” Lk. 19.10 Jesus redeemed what was lost in Adam. “Whoever believes
in the Son is not judged” John 3.18. Jesus comforted the prostitute
caught in action. “I do not condemn you” John 8.11. Jesus  doesn’t like
anyone of us to walk in darkness. “ Whoever follows me will have the
light of life. And will never walk in darkness” John 8.12 Jesus came to
heal the sick, to expel demons, to reinstate the lost, to forgive the
sinners, to fill us with His Heavenly Spirit, to open the gates of Heaven
for us and to make us children of God. Somehow Zachy knew that Jesus had
the power to forgive sins. The moment Jesus entered his home, Zachy was
Spirit filled. He said “ I will give half of my belonging to the poor.
And if I have cheated any one, I will pay him four fol! d.” Lk 19.8

Zachy felt different and Spirit filled as Jesus Walked into his home.
This is the effect of having Jesus at home with us. We change ourselves.
No one could say without Jesus, “I will give half of my belonging to the
poor”. I haven’t seen or heard anyone who said this much. I have seen
people give a couple of millions to build the church and to start a free
clinic for the poor. There were people who have contributed to various
charities but have never seen a Zachy like ours. When God touched Zachy,
he changed himself. Attitude change is the key here. He became like the
apostles who left their nets and boats, parents, wives and children and
possessions to follow Jesus.  We may not do this. But the Apostles! did.
They left everything and great was the reward they got. They were like
Moses who left his wife, son, possessions, a good life in a better place
and followed God’s command. The reward of Jesus to Zachy was life itself.
“Today salvation has come to this house” Lk 19.9 Jesus granted salvation
then and there to this repentant sinner, Zachy, the same way as salvation
given from the Cross to the repentant thief “Today you will be with me in
Paradise” Lk.23.43. Jesus gave instant salvation to Zachy. We are also
the descendants of our father in faith “Abraham” . We are and or we were
lost and we are searched out and are redeemed in Jesus.


If anyone of you finds it difficult to change your attitudes, invite
Jesus home to you. Spend time with Jesus. Say “I am a sinner, I have
messed up. I am responsible for my actions. I know my weakness. I am
willing to change. (That is possible only when Jesus is with us)”. God
will enable us to change.  Zachy knew the mind of Jesus. Jesus wants us
to be perfect. He told that young man who came to Jesus and Jesus said to
him.“ There is still one thing you need to do. Sell all you have and give
to the poor, then you will have riches in heaven and then come and follow
me.” Lk.18.22. But that young man was rich and he had many possessions
which bound him “ He became very sad because he was very rich” Lk. 18.23.
So he didn’t follow Jesus.  In Zachy’s case, we see a very rich man
saying to Jesus, “If I have cheated anyone, I will pay back four times as
much” Luke 19.8 . Zachy was spirit filled and he wanted to follow Jesus.
He was in the net of Jesus. He was Spirit filled. He changed and God
welcomed him and entered into his home to have dinner with him. “My
Father will love him, and my father and I will come to him and live with
him” John14.23. When we reciprocate for our misdeeds, jesus will come
home to us and will have dinner with us. That would be the life time
experience for us.

Praise the Lord.  

Fr Thomas Mathew/June4/2002/   [FORM NOT SHOWN][TABLE NOT SHOWN]


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