Dear All in my Jesus

Jason is the inspiration behind this mail as he said in his mail
"Its so unusual, nomails so far wishing us all abt the Feast." I had planned to write 
about this but since I was a bit busy I forgot.Then Jesus made Jason to remind me.

Today morning when I got up I did not even think that it was the feast of the Sacred 
Heart.I was very tired as the mosquitos in my room had nice meal over me and I was 
late to bed after a lot of washing.I had mailed about the need for personal prayer and 
humility. I add one more to the list the Holy Sacraments. For the past few days I was 
not receieving Christ in the Holy Eucharist due to lazyness. Then without my knowledge 
I started using bad indecent words. So today I made up my mind that I would go for the 

I was a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration and during the sermon Fr.Sunny told us that as 
we renew the consecration of ourselves to the Holy Heart of jesus we should renew 
ourselves. Then best part was I was having a lot of grudge to someone and when I gave 
it my Jesus and received him I was feeling great today. After mass we made the 
consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The best one I ever made.there were the nuns and hostellers Fr.Sunny and me. 
Many Many Happy Feast to all my dear net friends 

with love and prayers

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