Hi dear,
Long time to write a mail for you, hope your mails are still active
Here I am at my home , keeping well
Then something contrictory things happened in my life last month, which I want to 
share with  you. As i told you about my admission in states for my higher studies, but 
unfortunately or not I hadn’t got any aid for ms studies. So I was bit confused to 
take a future step and asked lord to show me the way, then it happened!!!!!!!!
Here I was attending interviews rigorously to get it in to any petty job, but all 
things were going at utter flop. I came to understood that my knowledge of subject is 
very poor, but I don’t know were to start, a real struggle. One day as usual I went 
for an interview for a lecturer in new engg college at Palai, it also came to an utter 
flop as interview board expressed doubt , wheter I am I mechanical engg or not??????. 
I gave 0% chance for getting that job and praised lord for all my failures and my 
anxieties. I forgot that things and two weeks back I received a letter of appointment 
as lecturer in same college!!!!! I can’t believe myself on reading that letter, 
thanked a lot for lord for that miraculous gift as I know what I am and what lord has 
given. Then   I asked the intervew board later about my appontment, then they told me 
that I was no. 1 of the 40 candidates in the interview, yes our lord is powerfull 
enough to rise us in our weaknesses,  
Praise god!!!!!
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