Praise the Lord Joynetters,

The Bahrain Malayalam prayer group would like to thank all the Joynet
members for thier continued prayer support for the three burn victims. It
was the  fullfilment of the promise of the Lord as in Mathew 18/19. He
has answered our tearful prayers. To explain further, about seven days
earlier doctors had given up hopes on Manichettan and told us to inform
everybody. They gave us maximum three days. His lungs were infected and
the docotrs said that they are helpless. Again we were on our knees for
the life of Manichettan, and the Lord, faithuful to His promises, answerd
our cry. Praise the Lord! On my visit to the hospital after 5 days I cold
see him sitting on the chair and listening to the word of God shared by
one of our prayergoup member. He is now able to recognize people and say
few words and take in some food. The Word of God which is God Himself (Jn
1/1)is healing him fast (Heb. 4/12). Josemon is recovering fast but he
needs a lot! of prayers. He is able to talk, eat and even recognize
people. But his memory is inconsistant and there is no cordination is his
speeches. The Muslim brother who saved these two is out of hospital and
is fine. Let us all thank and praise the Mighty Lord for his blessings on
these people. We are gathering whatever we can to help their family from
our prayer group.

Thank you all for the prayerful support and please continue to remember
them in your prayers as they have to be in the hopital for atleast 3-4
months. Praise the Lord!

In Christ - Sabu Joseph


>From: "sebastian thomas" >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [JOYnet]
Update on the burn victims >Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 15:00:05 +0300 >
>Thank you for your prayer support. > >Here we could experience the power
of prayer. When we needed blood >for Mani for his surgery to be carried
out today, our Lord provided >us 8 persons from our prayer group within
matter of 24 hours. >Praise the Lord. >Please continue your prayers for
their complete healing. > >Following is a news report appeared in the
local daily about the >present condition of the burn victims: > >M Mani,
45, Josemon Stephan, 28, and Chandran Narikkot Meethal, 46, >are
currently under treatment at the Salmaniy Medical Centre (SMC), >Bahrain,
burns unit, after a gas cylinder exploded when the workers >ignited the
gas stove in the kitchen. > >Mr Mani's condition was very critical when
he was brought to the SMC >by a BDF Hospital ambulance last Wednesday. He
was unconscious, >after inhaling gas. >Following the special care given
at the burns unit, his condition >improved and he is now out of danger,
said Dr Gang. > >Mr Stephan, who suffered 50 per cent burn injuries on
the face, both >limbs, back and chest, underwent a major surgery on
Sunday. Dr Gang >said the dead skin was removed and new skin taken from
the thigh was >grafted on the injured part. "Mr Stephan has to undergo
two more >surgeries in 10 days," he revealed. > >"Mr Mani, who was taken
off the ventilator after three days, will >undergo a surgery today and a
second surgery a week later. "He had >suffered 45pc burns on the face,
upper limbs, neck and the back." > >Both patients have to spend at least
two to three months in the >hospital. > >Mr Meethal, a cold store worker,
who rushed to the blaze scene after >hearing the explosion, suffered 15pc
burns. >He will be discharged from the hospital next week. > > >With
prayerful regards > >sebastian thomas >Bahrain > > >
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