Dear friends in Christ,

                    I'm Cuckoo from Cochin, Kerala.
Those of u who don't know me, I was a student in 
St.Teresa's College, Cochin last year and is a now a
Jesus Youth full-timer. I  used to write to JOYnet
regularly till my training started at Emmaus,
Kalamassery in June. After that I had the oppurtunity
to paricipate in the World Youth Days held in Toronto,
Canada, in July. Our pilgrimage did not finish with
that but continued on to France and Italy.

    Without doubt these count among the most beautiful
months of my life, enriching and fulfilling
to my soul. I was touched and awed by the wonder of
experiencing Christ in a new way, through His people,
His word and His sacraments. 

Throughout the journey we were reminded of a caring
and loving Father, very much involved in every aspect
of our journey. The Provider and Protector God. I
experienced so many moments when my soul cried out
spontaneously, inspired by the Holy Spirit, " My
Father!!" I experienced the love of God in a new way.

   This experience has helped me in lots of subtle
ways. Yesterday night, for instance, I'd made up my
mind to rise very early to prepare and go for
confession. Tough decision, since I HATE early
mornings and my bicycle was in the workshop. I'd have
to walk all the way. My lazy bones creaked at the
thought :-) It'll be okay, I told myself. Morning
came. I woke up to a gloomy, dark, dull, wet morning.
Yuck! I instinctively wanted to go back under the
covers. I reasoned very fairly, " Many times I've gone
there and 95% of the time the priest has been too busy
to come for confession" ( which is true, considering
the fact that he had lots of things to do before
mass). For a moment everything looked hopeless.
Nevertheless I really wanted to go for confession, so
I got  up again and very humbly asked my Abba Father
to ... well, that's a lie...I ORDERED Abba Father to
keep the priest ready and fit to hear my confession
:-)hahaha ( poor priest. Well, I risked it ( I
understand it's a small thing for most of u, but it's
a big thing for me...getting up early and walking in
the cold and wet).
And when I entered the church guess who was the first
person I met?! The beloved priest! I had a beautiful
confession and mass, went and said goodbye to my
parish priest and sisters. It was far far better than
I'd expected. He's so faithful...

   I would like to share my small experiences during
these last few months, God willing and my fingers
willing :-) I'll be going to Mysore tomorrow, where
I'll be working as a full-timer this year. Pray for
Mysore that many many strong disciples of Christ will
be formed there in the following years under the wings
of Jesus Youth. God Bless Mysore!

Love and prayers in Jesus,
Cochin. Kerala. India.

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