----- Original Message -----
From: Areis Fernandes
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: {SPAM?} Latest update on Shyna's health...

Joynetters & all you wonderful people in our Lord Jesus...here is an update on
6 year old Shyna's health, given to us by Carol.let us pray that God gives
Shyna the courage to bear the physical pain & also her parents the strength &
grace to comfort their child in this most difficult time of their life.

"The 2nd opinion from the doctor was bad -- he too says there is nothing he
can do for Shyna.  Since this is a 2nd relapse even after the whole chemo
cycle is over.   He said she will only get temporary relief with pain killers
but she seems to be getting agonizing pain in various parts of her body and
she cries in pain -- Her Mother Vienna wants to see that her baby is
comfortable -- and we are trying to get her into Shanti Avedhna Hospital at
Bandra where there are terminally ill patients looked after the Nuns --
sometime maybe this evening.  We really do not know what to do and how best to
help this baby and her Parents -- they seem totally shattered and it is as
though Vienna and Shamir are sharing in the same pain our dear beloved Mother
Mary went thru during the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Actually you
cannot bear to see Shyna when she goes thru her pain -- it is so

Also please pray for Maxim D'Souza from Bombay, he too suffers from Leukemia &
has taken very sick for the last few days. Doctors have given up home on him.
His family members are devastated too.


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