Hello family,

Yesterday i got a letter from one of my old CCD(catechism) students which made
me write this .

I always liked teaching (had i not become a doctor i would have preferred
teaching at school). And so after reaching USA i thought one of the best ways
to penetrate into the youth world is by teaching Catechism. I was so confident
that i'll do well , but the very first class itself ,and many more to follow,
was a disaster ..the kids were not listening ..and even told me  they 're
coming just because their parents want them to come !!!!!!!!and i found myself
crying in the car while returning home. But i wrote down the name of all my
students and prayed for them hard that they will get to know the Love of the
Lord.So even while i was pregnant , and at times when i was not to take
class,instead of going to the english church so near to our home ,we went to
the Syro Malabar church and to CCD class just to be with them,even though they
didn't seem to mind me.I didn't see any friut that year or the year after.I
thought i was a failure. And even thought if i had  put that effort in
studying for USMLE,it would have been good!

But next year also i started with new kids in another grade,where i have to
teach Church history and Liturgy .The theory was so dry ,that even i found it
hard.But i learned a lot.And i tried hard to put spirituality into what i was
teaching.Luckily Lovely (another JY) who was teaching in that grade for a long
time  was handling most of the sessions beautifully. But i got lot of time to
interact with them..and out of the 9 kids 5 came for World youth day and all
of them got touched. Now some of them are our right hands in conducting the
youth prayer at church.

But i always wondered what hapeened to my kids of the previous batch.It was
out of the blue that i received a letter from one of my kids of that batch
yesterday..In which she told me that ..'i was the first CCD teacher she ever
listened to...and thanked me for helping her to grow closer to God."!!!! I was
so struck by that,and thanked God . It made me realise that none of our work
and prayers for His kingdom go in vein.I know that it was the Lord's work
.Since my British accent and my style of talking often made the kids laugh and
i thought they even sympathised me .But how many things are hidden from us and
how we judge people and situations wrongly. She told me that she even prayed
for me at times...!!!!! Our duty is just to do what we're told to do and say
that i'm an unworthy servant ...And its HIs duty to produce fruits in  His

And this year we 've 31 kids ..all from top families in the parish ,which
often makes them behave as if they're very important.... One thing i should
say is that these kids are very sincere and talk every thing open rather than
keep it a secret.But they are taught in school and this society to excel...to
rely on their own understanding.....me ..mine...I....etc...So we've a tough
Job ahead. Since we get hardly one hour in class which is just sufficient to
cover our syllabus, Lovely and myself are planning more spiritual meetings out
side CCD classes.When we hope to  answer  their faith questions and lead them
to more deeper prayer sessions.And slowly lead all of 'em to JY prayer group
Please keep us and our kids in your prayers that they will get to know the
love of our Father , their Father too.

In joyful communion,

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