Dear Brothers and sisters in Jesus,

I honestly had never seen AIDS patients in person before . I’ve seen
pictures of them but I haven’t been with them at close quarters. Moreover
I also had a number of prejudices and bias towards people with AIDS.

A few months ago we had gone to a AIDS/HIV rehab centre for an outreach.
My friend who took us there used to work as a volunteer with that
Organisation sometime ago. This being a secular Organization, all those
who visit are expected to be secular in their outlook when dealing with
the inmates. He gave us strict instructions NOT to bring the name of Jesus
into the scenario. He also told us not to read the bible to them, etc.. 
We had to be secular and that was it!

On hearing this I was very upset. I was cribbing inside. I was feeling
very much ill at ease… the only way of reaching out to people that I know
of is by sharing the kerygma, testimony, inviting them to accept Jesus as
their Savior and Lord and praying for them. Now if those fundamentals are
scrapped I am stuck and in a terrible fix. I don’t know anything else to

I prayed about it and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance. I felt the Lord
telling me… “Josun, I want you to be Jesus to them…. through your life
witness in this short time I want them to see Me in you. Just Love them as
I love you.”

With the mandate received I went forward. An idea just flashed across my
mind. I went up to this friend who brought us there and I told him. “I
won’t tell them anything about Jesus on my own, I won’t ask them to Invite
Him into their lives, I won’t preach to them anything. I will just be with
them and talk to them and love them, but if they in turn ask me about my
life then what will I do?” He told me to “go ahead, but keep a low
profile. Don’t attract unnecessary attention ok.” I assured him, “don’t
worry about that”

Eeeeiiiiiaaaahhhh! What a break thru. I was overjoyed. I cautioned myself
two things. First is I will obey the instructions and NOT ask them to
invite Jesus into their lives the conventional way, I will not tell them
anything about Jesus on my own. Second is I will be careful as not to
scandalize those who brought me here by attracting unnecessary attention.

I prayed and asked the Lord to lead me on. I saw a group of kids spinning
a top on the verandah. I went up to them, greeted them, and tried to win
them over   by playing with them, making a buffoon of my self in the
process, much to their delight… I took the top and tried my hand at
spinning it, but it was a flop. I took it again and gave it a throw it
went far off in the lawn and just dropped. I ran to where the top and
gone, with the kids following close behind me.

I took the top and sat on the grass. I was flanked by the kids around me.
Their names are Gaurav, Varsha, Anita and Gitanjali.  All aged between 5
to 11. My friend came up and told me, these children are HIV positive and
will live a total of about 6 months to an year more. After that they will
be dead.... Their parents already died of this disease. But these kids are
ignorant of the fact that their parents are no more and that they too are
victims of this dreaded killer. I swallowed hard, feeling a heaviness in
my heart

With the kids all around me. I took my knapsack off my back and took out
my notebook and tore off a page from it. I asked Gaurav if he liked
aeroplanes, ‘yes’ he said. I made for him a paper jet, wrote his name on
it and drew a funny face on it on it saying he was the pilot. He loved it.
I tore off another page and made a paper puppet for Varsha, she too loved
it. Off came another page and I transformed it into a paper boat for
Gitanjali. And for little Anita I made a small paper camera, complete with
small drawings of funny faces. The kids we thrilled with their new toys,
they loved me and were playing around me.

As I was enjoying the presence of being with these little angels a sad
thought passed my mind. These beautiful children will very soon gasp for
that one breath of precious oxygen…. but it will be denied to them. All
this suffering, pain and death, for no fault of theirs.…

My mind went back to my own siblings back at home. Gaurav the little boy
aged 7 resembled my little brother Akku. My heart was feeling a terrible
burden. I turned away from the kids, moved a bit away and started weeping.
I pulled out my rosary and clutched the cross. All that was coming out of
my mouth was “Thankyou Jesus, Thankyou Lord…. Thankyou Lord for

In the mean time, varsha’s puppet started mal functioning and she ran up
to me saying “ bhaiya ye kharab hogaya” (this is spoilt, please make
another one)

She looked at me and saw me clutching the cross of my rosary with tears in
my eyes. I tried to camouflage my grief by giving her a smile. I took her
puppet and was repairing it. She was staring at my rosary and she put her
hand on it and started feeling the beads. She asked me, “bhaiya yeh mala
kya hai?” (what is this necklace that you are wearing) I told her that it
was given to me by my mother. She asked me if I could give it to her, how
is wished I could. But since we were told to be secular… I didn’t. I just
prayed and tears were streaming down my eyes. Touching my cheek she asked,
“bhaiya aap kyo ro rahe ho?” (brother why are you crying?) I didn’t know
what to say. By now the other kids also came near me. Varsha was telling
them. “bhaiya is crying” I just called them all together and held them
close to me. I embraced them all and kept on kissing them.

I whispered to them, “yeshu bhaiya aapko bahooth pyar kar tha hai”
(brother Jesus loves you very much) they asked me who that was….. I showed
them the crucifix and told them about this ‘bhaiya’ who loves them so
much. I told them that ‘Yeshu bhaiya’ cries when people fight and don’t
live in love. I told them that ‘yesu bhaiya’ also used to play like them
when he was a small child. They were giggling and smiling at each other. I
told them that yeshu bhaiya never told lies, he never fought with other
children etc… They were listening to me with rapt attention.
Varsha asked “will ‘yeshu bhaiya’ come and play with us?” this was the
moment I was waiting for. I said, “bilkul ayega, kyo nahi?” (ofcourse he
will, why not?) you should have seen the thrill on their faces.

I prayed. “Lord Jesus I am in a fix over here, I want to share your love
here with these angels, but I truly don’t know how to. Lord I’ve come this
far, now I’m stuck, Lord now its your time to move.” I looked at the eager
faces of these children. I saw Jesus in all of them.

Squatting on the grass with two kids on my lap and the other two clinging
on my shoulders, I told them to close their eyes and repeat this small
prayer after me. It ws something like this…  “my dear ‘yeshu bhaiya’
please come and play with us, come into our little lives, we want to be
your friends. Come and give us your peace. Amen.”

While we were praying, I opened my eyes and looked at them, all four had
closed their eyes, the sincerity with which they were folding their hands
and praying really touched my heart.

After the prayer was over I told them that ‘yeshu bhaiya’ loves them and
will be their ‘jigiri dost’ (best friend). I told them whenever they are
sad or feeling bad, to just close their eyes and ask ‘yeshu bhaiya’ to
come and be with them. ‘Yeshu bhaiya’ loves little children and he has
kept a beautiful place for them where they will play with him one day.

Our time at the Center was nearly over so I got these kids around me and
took a few photo graphs with them. By now I think one of those little
angels may have died already. I treasure those photographs.

We were called to assemble at the portico, we did an action song, and a
skit, thanked each one of them for the wonderful experience we had being
with them and we moved on to our vans to go back.

My little children were all around me, holding my hand and urging me not
to go. I carried each one of them and gave them all a kiss each. I sat in
the van and off we went…back to our comfort zone.

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

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