Dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST,

Sorry for the delay.  Aucklanders have already started their Dec 20
fasting and prayers.

We all need to skip atleast a single meal. Fasting the whole day will be

Try to spend more time in chapel or other lonely place alone with GOD.
Spend your time in silence. Try to be away from friends and fun. The
whole day must be spend in prayers. Talk to others only when itz really
necessary. Who ever can spend time in prayer before  HOLY EUCHARIST,
please do it. 

Pray continuosly for the conversion of the so called terrorist brothers.
Recite as many rosaries as possible,especially rosary of mercy and
dedicate all the prayers for the conversion of our terrorist brothers.
Please try not to pray for any other intentions other than those that are
very urgent.

Finally the 10 minute prayer timings for various regions

6:00pm India, G.M.T 12:30pm, UAE 4:30pm, Chicago 6:30am, Colombo 6:30pm,
Johannesburg 2:30pm, Kuala Lampur 8:30pm, Kuwait 3:30pm, Ottawa 7:30 am,
Singapore 8:30pm, Auckland 1:30 am(saturday,DST maybe considered).

The rest of the regions can get their respective timings from the link 

The 10 minute prayer. 

             "All Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be in the world
without end; Amen."

             "God, our heavenly Father, You call all people to be united
as one family in worshipping You as the one and the only true God. We
adore You, worship You and lift our hearts to Your divine presence, oh
Lord, as we prepare in a very special way to welcome Your Son, our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ into our hearts.

              Through the Divine Mercy and the Love of JESUS, which
prompted Him, to humble Himself to human form and become flesh for us, we
ask You Abba Father, with all our heart to have mercy upon all our
brethren who have hardened their hearts in the name of religion and are
causing terror all over the world. Pour out Lord, Your love upon them and
heal them in Your divine love, heal their wounds that cause them to wound
others, touch them in a way they have never experienced before. Destroy
their evil convictions which they have obtained from their past lives and
instill in them a new heart which will make them love others sincerely
and work for Your Kingdom, The Kingdom of GOD. Father, we all humbly ask
You, in the precious name of Your only Son and our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, to
anoint each of these brethren with Your precio! us Holy Spirit. Father,
please remember how You converted Saul who persecuted Your Son, to Paul
who later preached Your Kingdom. Abba Father, at this time, when the
whole world lives under the terror of these people, we remember Your
promise made to Your people, that You will break all hearts of stone and
give us hearts for love alone. `Yes, Lord Jesus, break all the bonds of
hatred, jealousy, bitterness, vengeance, rivalry and all that is not of
Your kingdom and fill all hearts with Your love, with Your peace and joy.
May the powers of darkness and evil be crushed and broken and be bound by
the precious name of Your son and our Lord, JESUS CHRIST.

          Punish them not, dear Lord, for any of their misgivings, for
they themselves are unaware of what they do. Touch them, and let Your
gentle streams of forgiveness flow through their hearts and may they be
able to see the light, oh, Lord.

    &nb! sp;       Lord God, as we make this prayer for them, we also ask
You Father, look not upon our sins, let not our sins be a hindrance in
the prayer for them, Lord, but look only upon Your abundant mercies
through which You keep forgiving us, each time we fall. Father, as we
surrender before Your throne any ill feelings, any resentment that we may
have against them, we ask You Father, to wash away all the ugliness in
our heart and may it be replaced by Your loveliness.

Let us now bow down our heads for the mercy prayer:
Jesus of Nazareth, has triumphed over death
His reign is eternal
He is coming to conquer the world and time.
Mercy, my God, on all those who blaspheme against you.
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Mercy, my God, for the scandals in the world.
Deliver them from the spirit of  satan.
Mercy, my God, on all those who cause terror in your name
forg! ive them.
Mercy, my God, on all those who will come repentant to your glorious
May they find there peace and joy.
Mercy, my God, for those who persecute you.
Pour out Your mercy into human hearts.
Mercy my God so that Your kingdom may come, but save souls, there is
still time, for the time is drawing near.

Mother Mary our divine mother, do intercede with us as we make this
prayer unto the Lord.
Angels of heaven, pray with us for our brethren.

St. Michael, pray with us for our brethren.

St. Gabriel, pray with us for our brethren.

St. Raphael, pray with us for our brethren.

St. George, pray with us for our brethren.

St. Peter, pray with us for !
our brethren.

St.  Paul, pray with us for our brethren.

All Saints in heaven, pray with us for our brethren

Blood of  Martyrs, call out to heaven for the conversion of our brethren

 We thank You, Abba Father for hearing our prayers.

Thank You JESUS.



Thank You GOD.


All glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning,  is now and ever shall be in the world without end.


Read the Gospel John 15:18-27 and 16:1-4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with
love and
your brother in CHRIST,Calvin Johnson 



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