Dear JoyNet Friends ,

I want to share with you two incidents from my life.

Years ago, during my Pre Degree days, a Sister walked into my house. Time was
around 11'O Clock afternoon. She was talking with my Mon and I was reading my
lessons in my up-stair study-room. I was hearing this Sister talking to my Mon
and was I thinking why this  'boring sister' had paid us a visit . Well, my
Mon was glad and was busy serving her with Tea and  sharing the
neighbourhood-news. Then it was time for her to part us.  My Mom called me
down and asked me to join in prayer.  I stood together with Mom and heard that
Sister praying. The prayer was a simple prayer in which Sister requested God
to use me for His Witness in every area of my expertise.  At that time, I
thought it was a joke.  " What is this Sister telling God ?", I thought.  But,
slowly, as years gone by and I never forgot that day and that Sister or that
prayer. Probably, my Mom must have forgotten that prayer or that day ( after
all she serves many many Parish Sisters tea and news!) Slowly, there was a
burden in my heart to that prayer and used to wonder why Sister prayed the
Lord that prayer. After all, I  had never heard any other Sisters pray so. But
for me,  the burden grew and grew. And at every corner of my life I used to
think of that prayer. Today I stand liberated and I am a committed Christian.
I do not call it a burden to witness God,  but a joy to witness God . I should
confess from the bottom of my heart that  there was my God , hearing that
Sister, that day !!
Sometime ago, I used to crash into a Gospel channel as I used to channel-serf
on my TV. And, I used to feel bad about  one of those preachers. " What a boar
!" , I used to think. Then, during a prayer section, a  Brother told me in
Spirit that I was discounting one preacher and that this  preacher would form
my life-line with his prayers for me. And, soon, this has come true. This very
preacher I thought was a bore have become my life-line for prayers. I was
phoning to him and asking his team to pray for me !!
Friends, often, we may discount God's messengers in our life and we may not
even know that we are doing it. But, beware of it ! God might be talking to
you through that  'poor' Preacher, a 'simple' Sister or a 'country Achan'.
Remember the young Samuel who said "Speak, for your servant is listening". May
the Lord give us the Grace, Insight  and a humble heart to know the Lord's
messages and messengers.
Bonded in His Love

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