Dear Friends, 

 Long long back a Pala Achayan (wealthy man from a place called Pala in
Kerala, India) send his son to US to get a MBA Degree from a famous
University in US. Just after landing in US the son forget about his
mission. He got attracted in car chasing, fond of roaming around with
girls, visiting nightclubs and sitting behind bottles etc. He failed in
all his exams and got many arrears. Mean while his father in India was
sending money regularly and was very anxiously looking forward his son
coming back with a MAB degree from States.  At the end of his course the
son was so ashamed and was reluctant to go back to home to look at his
father’s eyes.

                Are we any better than this Pala Achayan’s son? God the
father has sent each of us to this world with a purpose. He regularly
sent many blessings to us. If we forget His purpose on us and became
attached to this world’s materialistic possessions, positions etc then,
at the end of our life, when we go back to our Heavenly home are we able
to look at our Heavenly Father’s eye?

     Our Heavenly Father was so intensely want all of us to pass the exam
that he even send the question and answer through his only beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus. The question and answer can be found in the Gospel of
Mathew 25:31-46.

    Each day is an opportunity for us to live according to His purpose.
With His blessings let us do what He wants us to do in this life by
sharing our talents and passions with the less fortunate people in the

 "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me
drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and
you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."  (Mathew 25:35-36)

 In JMJ,
Bensilal Chacko, DE, USA.




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