“Dear Youth, Don’t be afraid to become the Saints of the new Millennium”. This was the message given by Pope John Paul II to the youth at Rome in 2000 World Youth Day. In our day-to-day life, are we approaching Sainthood or still looking it as an unreachable target?

Even though we are Jesus Youth, we may have some sins as our weak points. We may be trying to abstain from these evils but might have failed in those attempts. But I’m sure that each one of us have come across by at least leaving some of our evils in a particular way. Jesus touched our heart in such a way that it shall heal ourselves and also others.

We shall share how we overcome our evils in this particular way and how we maintain it. Hence we are a 1000+ community, 1000s of new idea will get how to overcome evils like telling lies, pessimism, jealousy, greed, stealing office stationary, over claiming of bills, smoking & consumption of alcohol, drugs, watching porno movies & books, evil thoughts, anger, hypocrisy, snob, complexes, laziness, temptation etc.

Let me share something about Jealousy.

After my studies and got a good job, I was happy. But I became disturbed when some of my classmates got better jobs, some continued with higher studies, some weaker students than me; became lecturers, some; well settled in Kerala and like. Once I asked our Lord, “Jesus, what is happening & what is going on? Can’t you see? If he & she can become this & that, why can’t I? You have to help me to fulfill my ambitions."

Then Jesus replied, “ My dear Prejomy, Look at you left & right.” I looked all around but couldn’t see anything special. Then he remembered me about my native. (my native place is at Athirampuzha, Kottayam where Mannanam – the holy place of Blessed Fr. Chavara Kuriakose Elias is 6 Km away, comes at my right and Bharanaganam - the holy place of Blessed Sr. Alphonsa is 20~22 Km away, comes at my left). And Jesus continued; “IF HE & SHE COULD BECOME SAINTS, THEN WHY CAN’T YOU?” At that moment I was cold blooded.

Now, whenever I feel some ‘kich kich’, these words will strike my mind and I used to pray for the victims. Then I could feel the infilling of love in me towards them.

Jesus is asking each one of us “IF HE & SHE COULD BECOME SAINTS, THEN WHY CAN’T YOU?”

With lots of love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

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