Dear Anil and all others at joynet,

                  I too had similar kind of experiences. For the dec20
prayer, I  had send some mails which failed to reach joynet. As, I faced
the problem with my first mail itself, I decided to keep the copy of all
the mails I tried to send to joynet. The problem was solved. But this
prob gave me a lot of tension, as I was nearing dec20 without finalising
the pgm. But with much prayer and tensions finally the event went
successfully by the grace of our good GOD. Anyway this issue has to be
solved and there are many more things for us to do.

           Although we all are very comfortable with joynet, we should
also try to do something for the JY website. The site has been remaining
same for a very long period. The message board which had many good
articles and discussions along with some bad postings has been missing
for a long time. We all know the reason for that. Many of us enjoyed the
articles, didn't we? So, why don't we collect those good articles and
paste the link on the JY main page so that many newcomers can go thru it.
We should also include many prayers and good stories and articles in the
website. I've seen other JY sites which are very beautiful. Our JY main
site is also beautiful, but we all are now concentrating only on the
joynet. So, I request you all to contribute new ideas and suggestions to
make JY website more beautiful. We have to update the site regularly. The
site has to be dynamic and attractive and info! rmative. We can invite
our friends from all areas to visit the site."
" Letz make this beautiful by the gifts and talents GOD gave us from HIS
abundance. He wants us to use those stuffs inside the skull not only
for our benefit but also for the entire world. Letz start the work with
the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.

with love and prayers,

u'r brother in CHRIST,

Calvin Johnson >From: Anil Thomas >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>Subject: [JOYnet] My mails are not reaching Joynet. >Date: Mon, 13 Jan
2003 22:31:07 -0600 > >Hi, > > It is disturbing to note that my mails are
not reaching the Joynet >community. Yesterday I had replied to a mail
from >Jennifer(luck and fate mail) and it had not reached the joynet. I
have not >got a copy of the mail from Joynet(which I should as I am part
of the Joynet >mailing list). I receive every other mails from Joynet. >
>Is it because somebody moderates the mailing list and decides who can
air >their views/relevance of the mails in Joynet or some problem in
Joynet >mailing list or is it a punishment for sending one extraneous
mail to >joynet(In my haste to help a person I forwarded one mail to
Joynet. I >regretted a lot about that mistake). That mail and its
correction also did >not reach me from Joynet. At that time I thought
that somebody must have >edited it out as it had nothing to do with the
aim of Joynet. I started >noticing this editing of my mails from those
mails onwards. > >I am copying Primeson and others lest this mail also
gets edited out from >Joynet(by Joynet mailing list settings or >Editor's
intervention). > >Sorry for sending this mail to you. But I thought this
issue needs to be >addressed. > >Your friend in Christ >Thomas


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