Hi Friends,
Been a few days since I said hello to you. I have been reading the mails
& happy to see many fantastic things take shape! The sharings, ideas,
fellowship etc.
I have a few things to share, which I'll distribute in different mails. 
In this mail, I must start with best wishes to the JOYnet core team, a
"Well Done" to Calvin for thinking of a fasting prayer at the close of
2002 and all who participated in on or the other way plus
acknowledgements to the all who suggested of monthly Prayer Day. The
"Our Daily Bread" is a superb reading and so also is "Consolidated
Prayer Requests" a beautiful thing to do. 
Friends, as we move on daily in our travel to Eternity, we will be
seeing lesser and lesser of the small & big problems and problematic
people! Because it is only for a short while as against the L-O-N-G
Eternity that stretches before us. When we join the Lord we'd have
wished "Gosh, had I dealt with him/her or the situation, better!".  Let
us remember that we talk & walk the Kingdom of God. And that our FOCUS
is "TO BE WITH HIM", WHO was generous enough to invite YOU & ME into the
Kingdom business! There are many times we feel like kicking ourselves
for the things we do wrong - personally, spiritually and socially.
Never mind, don't take it to heart! Cry if you need to, make up with
someone, God or even yourselves, but GET GOING! Take time off to lift
your deepest sobs to HIM, who can Heal you. If you feel not understood,
misunderstood, rejected, and manipulated upon - at home, work, or even
within the Church/Renewal - take heart, you are not alone. This very
moment there might be many such people going through the same agonizing
moments as you are, all over the world! As you pray for yourself, lift
those unknown brothers & sisters to the Lord too. Surely, HIS Light will
shine forth through you!
I know a person since some time and I was moved by the well balanced
personality of a person, so much so that I told him "You are far more
Christian than many of us"! Therefore, when others see HIS Light shining
through you & me, they might say, You are a true Christian!
God Bless us all,
Shaji Chacko, Dubai

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