dear friends in Jesus,

Who is real Jesus?Does that mean there are false

In Matthew 4: 1-11,we see Jesus is tempted by the
devil.A very notable thing is that devil uses the
scriptures itself to attack Jesus.But Jesus is
Word,and He answers promptly.
That same old trick is still used by the same old
devil to attack God's children,and it is astonishing
so many people,including the faithful become victims
to it.He uses the Word and misinterprets it.Those who
are not really deep in faith and Word  easily fall
Once I happened to chance upon a book which had a
title which meant something like 'How to live in
paradise' or something similar.The book was small,very
attractive and said all about Jesus.
But actually the book propogated false ideas about
God's kingdom.It said Jesus had not risen from the
dead etc.We may ignore the book.but there are many
people who read such books and get carried away  with
its ideas.So I made an effort to see who wrote these
books.And...I came to know this is really a trap even
for the faithful.
Incident 1:
I personally know a friend of mine who,after reading a
series of such books,stopped going to church after
all.Now she says there is no God.The book actually
starts with God and then ends with no God!She wouldn't
listen to anything else...
Incident 2:
I was once sitting in a classroom when a junior of
mine who is also a JesusYouth came in with the above
book.He didn't know and was himself propogating this
Incident 3:
One day I went home and at night when I was sleeping,I
had a dream.I saw that I was sleeping on the terrace
of my house and a man threw a log on fire onto my
house.I was just in time,and I caught the log and
threw it down to the ground.Thus I prevented my house
catching fire.I woke up sweating and disturbed in the
that same evening,two people came to my house.They
were speaking to my father.I was listening and I heard
the words'catholic''18th century''1st century' etc.I
listened closely and found that they were these same
people connected with this book...they come into
Catholic homes and argue with people and change our
beliefs.They speak against Mother Mary,they are very
successful with people who have a little faith
only.they take away the rest of it too.They make them
non church goers first,slowly they break the entire
family to pieces.I know living examples...So I
immediately went to the front and asked them to get
out.My father was alarmed.They started arguing with
me.They said the Holy Spirit is only a dove and all
that.When they started speaking against Mother Mary,I
closed my ears and said"you can go,we have enough
faith in God."
You may be wondering why I was so wild.Well,many of my
family members still don't believe in Jesus and if
they followed this sect,it would be the last thing to
shatter our family.
to be contd................
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