Incident 4:
I once studied in a Catholic instituition where we had
a library of religious books.most of the books were
from the above series!

I was trying to state that even Churches,Convents and
some faithful people believe in these books.Their book
'Youth and their doubts' is a dangerous one.It qoutes
the Bible here and there.but the rest of the story is
against the Word.any body wondering about whom I am
speaking.Well,it's the Jehova's witnesses.but they are
not the only ones.
There are many  websites propogating Jesus name-but
they are not propogating the Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ.One site (mis)uses His name for attracting
women to date!!There are even worse sites.

I believe we should not remain cold on this issue.
We should watch what our children,friends,family are
reading and watching.We are responsible.already it is
bad the world does not know Jesus,it is even too bad
they know the false Jesus.We must be aware and make
others aware.
What does Jesus say to us?
He asks us to pray for them.To pray only and not judge
them.Here is an excerpt from the message He gave to
Vassula Ryden(True Life In God-dec 12,1987):
Never has My Church been in such a confusion.

Vassula I love them  too, but they have been so misled
by Satan; he blinded them, leading them when blinded
into another path and in their delusion they not only
disregard My Mother as Queen of Heaven, but disregard
My Peter too and the authority I Myself have given him
upon all My lambs. They persecute My flowers as well
and condemn all My Heavenly Works of today. Satan has
conditioned them to abuse anything, stopping them from
perceiving the Truth. 

Their doctrine has infiltrated among you beloved ones
and they are the ones I have warned you about They
like to call My graces given to My chidren, 'Satan's
handiwork' - rejecting your Holy Mother. Vassula it
should never be up to you to accuse them, learn to say
instead: "let the Lord be Judge and correct them."  I
suffer to watch them  sneer at My foundation  and
follow nothing but their own doctrine. They are those
Cains and dangerous to My Abels - an obstacle to the
ones who want to grow in My House; a misleading torch
of misguidings to My people; a hardened rock, they
have rebelled against My foundation. 

How will I offer them a kingdom on earth, when inside
them they have accepted doctrines which come from
Cain? I will resurrect you and your soul will come to
Me, into My Arms. 

Vassula, they are scheming against My foundation. They
are trying to uproot My domain. I love you . Do not
weep flower ...

I am love . Tell them, tell them Vassula that
sincerity will conquer evil; humility will debilitate
the devil; love will unmask satan.
Let us zealously serve Jesus.Let us consider this also
in our prayer intentions.Let us pray that all of us
are purified of false doctrines.
In Jesus' mighty name,
with love and prayers 
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