
    I am one of the silent majority who enjoys the beautiful mails flying
around and watches in wonder.I am writing because I need your prayers. I had
bought some land in Bangalore and I am having problems with getting the papers
transferred to my name. It is a very simple thing and it should have been done
long ago. But the people at the BDA office have been making me go up and down
for that. I have decided not to pay any bribe for this and that has been the
cause. After making me go there for 4 times they have given me a date of 23
Jan to give me the papers. Its a big struggle not to give into the temptation
of getting the thing done by giving the bribe. Please pray for me not to give
in and wait for Lords time. It has to be a miracle from him for this to go
through with out paying a bribe.  So freinds please pray for me and the
officials involved.

                                                    With love and Prayers

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