Dear JYs today i got this rather unusual but very touching Prayer Request from
EP from a person called : Girl. Her email id is : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From her email I could understand what she is going through. So please do pray
for her and all the people who go through similar phases. there are many youth
who after coming into the renewal reach that phase known as "Ok we are in the
renewal. now what?" Many are confused and many leave. So do pray that they
understand that God is still continuously working in their lives. That they
have patience and they can recognise his will for them.

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Prayer Request: This is the pattern my life has been taking the last several
years. Girl has tragedy, girl cries out to God for help, God steps in and
makes things better. Girl asks God to stay and help keep her life on track.
Girl is seeking much and learning along the way. Girl prays and repents often.
Girl tries to go to church but finds much negative, one church bashing the
other and the girls own limited knowledge about where God wants her to go.
Girl gets confused and doesn't go to any church. Then the down side starts to
happen. Girl gets lonely, girl wants some kind of life. Girl goes out with
friends to a bar, girl gets lots of attention. Girl gets drunk and then gets
sick. Girl did not go home with any boy nor did she take any boy home with
her. Girl had several offers but deep inside knew that getting drunk was bad
enough and was not going to go any further into the pit. Girl felt bad and
knew she shouldn't be here doing this, but the alternative was girl sitting
home alone .... again and again. Girl wakes up with headache and regret. Girl
asks God for forgiveness but girl is disgusted with self and isn't sure God is
listening anymore. Girl just wants to find mate, go to church, have some sort
of a life before death comes.

Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors

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