Dear JYs... I am quoting the mails received so far that remind us on the Topic
of this 1/2 Month : Thankfulness

Priya : We all know that the Bible Calendar dedicated half of this month for -

Annie Berly : Dear Thankful netters ... ... .... Where are your 'thank you"
notes going?

Mathew Joseph : Now.. shall we move on to discussion and sharings on the topic

Reshma : From today JY bible calendar theme is "THANKFULNESS"

Jennifer : I am sharing this with you all because for me it was another
experience of Christ's love and I want to thank God for loving me so much

and a few more.

Joynetters. We are over 800 in number. And yet the people who ever thought of
being Thankful do not even cross. TEN. That means for the over 800 Joynetters
only 10 thought of being Thankful. That means using my wierd maths calculation
for every 10 Joynetters only 0.125. I think then the Lepers were much better
off than us. Because out of 10 Lepers 1 came back. (... i know ... i know ....
surely 0.5 or 0.125 could not come back... but still u get my point. Our ratio
of thanks on Joynet couldnt even beat that number).

Come on Guys.... u gotta be Thanful for something. Have you thought about this
.... Every time u crossed the Road and you didnt meet with an Accident... have
u thanked the Lord for that. Every time u climbed ur steps, walked on floor
and u didnt trip and fall.... have u thanked the Lord for that. Every time u
put on the switch and u didnt meet with an electric shock ... have u thanked
the Lord for that. Everytime the ones close to you smile when they see you...
have u thanked the Lord for that.... or have all have become small that we
wait and thank the Lord for bigger... things ??????

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.


"Where are the other nine?  Has none but this foreigner returned to give
thanks to God?"

Luke 17:11-19

The Magic Word

It matters not my state or my sinfulness. Nothing is beyond the loving mercy
of Jesus. The lepers, outcasts of society, were hidden in their shame and

As Jesus passed by, they dared to appear and plead for healing. Jesus told
them to go to the priests which meant they had to pass through a crowd who
scorned them in their abhorrent state. On the way the miraculous happened, a
healing touch from the compassionate hand of Jesus.

So excited were nine cured lepers, in total disbelief they rushed excitedly to
show everyone.

Only one remembered that magic word - thank you. It is a heart-warming word
that draws us closely to the giver of all.

Gratitude is often neglected. We are so spoilt with the blessings of life,
friendship and good health, our lives are so rich we cannot visualise what it
is like to be an outcast, to be socially stigmatised.

A big thank you right now for all we have received from our loving Father.

Source : cinbv

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