Dear Friends,

I was not really able to concentrate properly on
joynet for the past few days, because of the very very
busy schedule, and i guess i thought i could very well
get along with it, being just a passive reader in
joynet,....until Jasons mail seemed to wake me up.

Yeah!He was talking about thankfulness i
guess.....with a very clever reference to the
ungrateful lepers.....

Well!  In the present scenario, i think i would be the
most ungrateful person if i failed to mention the
wonderful blessings he has been bestowing upon me.

Yesterday, was the most nervous day of my life; ie my
engagement day; my sister still has not stopped
teasing me about how my hands were trembling as i was
putting an engagement ring on Michaels finger.......
Well!  I have got 2 more days of;
upto 15th....thank God for after that i am going to
get bound in an wedlock with Michael..(On 16th)..I
really do not know how i will stand a wedding day, if
i was so nervous on the engagement itself.

Well!  Before i drift too far, let me tell you all
about this unique mystery which amazes both Michael
and me.
This wedding proposal was being proceeded forward,
after having rejected so many people, not necesarily
because there could have been any fault with the
persons, but just because something in me always used
to tell me'no, he is not the one'.  But, then, when i
met Michael, it was totally different; when we first
saw each other, we knew it was meant for us to be
united; ever since, there were so many hurdles,
confusions and so many other things, but, all along,
the problems kept getting solved without our putting
too much of an effort;  and then, there is this
special feeling we both seem to experience in our
personal prayer; ie; as if God is planning something
for us; as if He is preparing and leading us to
fulfill some purpose of his;  and now, as the days are
running in short for u to get united in matrimony, we
both find ourselves, growing in deep prayer and an
intimacy with the Lord which we had never experienced
Sorry for the long mail; do keep us in your prayers,
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