Hi Joynetters,
When Jesus Talks about the Narrow -way.. he doesnt talk abt the narrow minded way..
Being in Love with somebody is not a trap or something wrong....
Manytimes it is gods way of lifting you up when u r down.. 
But when u stretch this lovely thing called "love" to its extremes... then u " fall"..
To avoid that god has given us a head and something in it also..and we are called to 
use it..
Not every one of us is samson and not every person we love is Delilah..
If we are so narrow minded about it.. it is an insult to our humanness..
Also we have to realise that very special line at the end of this samson delilah 
when samson destroys  that hall..he kills many more of his enemies than he had killed 
in his entire lifetime..
So what we have here is a point to note..
"God can write straight on crooked lines ".
Even though samson commited a big mistake.. god ensured that his purpose was still 
served and in a way not expected even by samson or the israelites.. 
So guys.. just ensure that ur beloved is not delilah who will sell u off..  ;-)
and gals just ensure that ur beloved is not samson.. very strong in body.. but very 
weak in the mind and spirit..   ;-)
Ask god for the gift of a person with the right balance..
Only then will your relationship work..
What God Unites Let No Man( Woman) Divide..
A point that came into my mind just now is this..
Have you noticed how the bible is not ashamed of showing the weaker side of its 
Be it david, Solomon, Samson..name them.. all of them are shown as humans and not as 
Unlike our Hindi films where the hero is never wrong..
Have you ever asked why it is so?
It is very clear . the guys who wrote these books.. didnt want us to concentrate on 
these human heroes, but more so on the god who uses these heroes inspite of all their 
faults to fulfill his purpose of salvation.. and is therefore the superhero of them 
So then let us not come to a halt  at samsons and delilah's.. But move beyond and see 
the god who is still in control ..
For us personally ..the lesson is very clear..
We may do mistakes..as big as samson.. people may ditch us and turn against us like 
delilah.. in our daily lives.. But beyond that is a loving god who is in control and 
who knows what is best..
Let us trust him then.. with our samsons and with our delilahs..Life will be more 
wonderful and worth living then..
Love and Prayers
God can write straight even on crooked lines
dexon john netto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear friends....,

I am joining Jude.....

we say about "Fall" in love with somebody .Of course its a trap....

Jesus Speaks about Narrow way, the way where there is nospace to change
direction.This way is directs towards life and there is no possibility to
turn left or right....I think we all are supposed to travel thru` this
way and not the broadway where there is enough space to go here and

Father we pray do not lead us to "fall" into "temptations".Amen

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.


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