Dear friends in Christ,

I strongly support what James said.

Topic 1:
If I don't quote the word of God, then what is it for? Rather than writing
long messages dumping once own thoughts, biased by many media (esp books),
it is meaning full to quote just one word from Bible. Nothing is out of
context if you have the will to accept word of God.

If any one says quoting word of God should be avoided, that is a worldly
advise, not from God. Even Satan used word of God to test Jesus. Not the
word of God is wrong, but the way you comprehend is wrong. That is the
difference in Jesus and Satan! The same in the parable of the sower. Not the
Word, but the place where it fell makes the difference.

But, be considerative! Please use it wisely, not to hurt anyone. However, if
want to use it to correct someone (even if it hurts), like what Jesus did in
Jerusalem Temple, you can still use His Words. Remember today's (11th) first
reading. "Thus says the Lord: Just as from the heavens the rain and snow
come down And do not return there till they have watered the earth, making
it fertile and fruitful, Giving seed to the one who sows and bread to the
one who eats, So shall my WORD be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall
not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I
sent it. "

Topic 2
I also appreciate James as he said "Any Spousal relationship (Acts,
Thoughts, Words) with anyone (even with the same bride/groom) in mind/body
PRIOR to marriage which is against GOD'S Love is hence clearly a Sin".
Although I withdrew myself from this topic after a lot of critics, I still
advice you  to accept this statement. If you accept the word of God, you
will accept that pre-marital spousal relationship (Acts, Thoughts, Words)
as a SIN. Please don't get biased by the Media and worldly advises. Set your
rules from meaning of the word of God.

I remember a calculation that proved ZERO=ONE. Calculation is perfectly
correct and proved, yet the truth is different. Remember that Jesus kept
quite when Pilot asked "What is truth?" (John 18:38). Why? It is a wasting
time!  Roman Pilot doesn't posses The word of God or any knowledge about His
Heavenly Kingdom. You can only see the truth if your "eyes of heart" are
enlightened (Eph 1:18) by the God, the word (John 1:1)

with lots of love and prayers

Wilson Thomas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:06 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] May Grace be with you all

> All Scripture is inspired by GOD and is USEFUL FOR TEACHING, REFUTING
> of GOD is made expert and thoroughly equipped for EVERY GOOD WORK. 2 Tim.
3: 16, 17.
> Dear joynetters,
> First of all Thanks for the mail, and special thanks for the Critics.
> Directly coming to the point,
> Mt. 22: 37-40 ;  Jn. 13: 34 ;  Jn. 15: 13 - in my message I begin with
these Words of GOD
> These verses are the instructions, commands given by the GOOD LORD about
how to love your fellow beings, which includes all human beings.
>  1Cor. 13: 4-8 is about what is LOVE the definition given by GOOD LORD.
> Psychiatrists, psychologists, Philosophers, Social workers, more clearly
every human may have different view points regarding LOVE, they may
describe different types most of which are defining, touching the EXTERNAL
aspect of LOVE.
> But being a Christian, a child of GOD, What is LOVE, that is what these
verses explicates.
> In this time and ages, every one especially youngsters are thirsting for,
running for, searching
> For LOVE, even without knowing what is LOVE, and falling in the Devils
trap  erroneous Love, relations.
> Every one is interested more on what world says, text book says,
studies says about Love
> Easily rejecting what GOOD LORD, JESUS TEACHES about LOVE, who is the ONLY
ONE WHO DESERVES to give a definition of LOVE, who consecrated HIS LIFE FOR
>     Mt. 5:28  - is about what is adultery, which strongly confirms the
so-called affairs as that is depicted in films, novels etc, in other words
what the youngsters thought of is against GODS LAW.
> Mt. 19: 6  which confirms that it is GOD, THE CREATOR is giving
(selecting, choosing)
> a life partner for each person, which is a life long relationship, which
should not be separated.
> 1Thes. 4: 3-8  again points out the importance chastity, and avoiding
lustful passion when acquiring a wife.
> Mk. 12: 29, 30  is about the giving the prime position in the life to
> 1Jn. 4:18  IS ABOUT trusting in GODS LOVE, Power especially when we
> others, by knowing what is PERFECT Love and imitating JESUS DRIVING OUT
ALL FEARS. In other words, choosing perfect Love, after knowing what is
perfect Love and rejecting imperfect love.
> Rom. 13: 8-10  also says not to fear Loving your neighbor.
> I dont think that any of these words of GOD is out of topic.
> Dear friend, if you think so please point out, clarify it.
> I think joynet is a group, and each may have different opinion, and each
have RIGHT to present their opinion in their own way, style which should not
be be discouraged, unless it crosses the limit.
> (There are certain reasons for the delay of my previous posting.)
>    Autocratic decision to start or stop a topic or discussion should
be avoided.
> Of course, officials in charge can take decision, that we have to obey,
but such decisions should be \'circulated\' with designation of the
> A Child of GOD Should not fear any thing any topic or discussion.(Rom. 8:
14- 17)
> If some are not interested in certain topics, better they dont open or
read such mails, their may others who may be interested to clear doubts or
discuss. Super imposing of ideas should be better avoided.
> Words of  GOD (Heb. 4: 12) is so powerful and able to change human lives
and should be used quoted whenever we get a chance, since joynet is a
group intended for spiritual growth.
> And these words of GOD is not just to read and learnt by heart, but to put
into practical life,
> Every day life.
> Once again Thanks for the mail.
> May Grace be with you all! ( this too is a WORD OF GOD).
> With Love and Prayers,
> James Simon
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