Dear Joynetters in Christ,


     The Lord has blessed us with a boy baby (2nd
child).  My wife Leena gave birth on 13th March
(Thursday) at 1.00 p.m.  The delivery was normal and
the weight of the baby 2.95 kg.  Both Leena and the
baby are doing fine and in good health. 

     A special thank you to each and every one for
your prayers.  May the Lord bless you abundantly! 

     Reg. Jessy, she was discharged from the hospital
alongwith the baby on 13th March.  Both Jessy and the
baby are keeping fine and in good health.  This is the
first time that the Lord has blessed Jessy to take the
baby home.  Jessy's 1st & 2nd babies who lived for 53
days & 20 days respectively expired in the hospital
itself.  Surely, this time the Lord worked wonders
mainly because so many people had prayed for Jessy
including from our Joynet group.  Thanks to each one
of you. 

     In HIS grip and grace,

       Bangalore, India

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