12TH   MARCH  2003  




This   famous  English  saint  was  a  native  of  Northumbria(England),Orphaned at an 
early age. Shepherd.and  as   a  young  man ,  had  to  help   defend   his  country 
against  the  attack  of  King  Penda  of  Mercia.  Received a vision of Saint Aidan 
entering heaven; it led him to become a Benedictine monk at age 17 at the monastery of 
Melrose, which had been founded by Saint Aidan. Spiritual student of Saint Boswell. 
Prior of Melrose in 664. 

Due to a dispute over liturgical practice, Cuthbert and other monks abandoned Melrose 
for Lindisfarne. Worked with Saint Eata. Prior and then abbot of Lindesfarne until 
676. Hermit on the Farnes Islands. Bishop of Hexham. Bishop of Lindesfarne in 685. 
Friend of Saint Ebbe the Elder. Worked with plague victims in 685. Noted (miraculous) 
healer. Had the gift of prophecy. 

Evangelist in his diocese, often to the discomfort of local authorities both secular 
and ecclesiastical. Presided over his abbey and his diocese during the time when Roman 
rites were supplanting the Celtic, and all the churches in the British Isles were 
brought under a single authority. 

  The  shrine   of  this    Wonder  worker  of  England  in  Durham  cathedral    
was  most  frequent  pilgrimage  centre  of  pre-Reformation  England,  and  400  
years  after  his  death  his  body  was  found   to  be  still  incorrupt.His  relics 
 r  among  the  very few  which  escaped  being  destroyed  or  lost  under  Henry 


against plague, boatmen, diocese of Hexham and Newcastle England, Durham England, 
England, mariners, Northumbria England, plague, plague epidemics, sailors, shepherds, 



 Patience  is  the  root  and  guardian  of  all  the  virtues..St.Gregory  the  

**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer & die with Thee...** 

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