disclaimer: I've just built a pretty complex app (drag/drop, inline editing,
history support, popup windows) with jmvc & jquery

I personally feel that jquery as it stands at the moment is superb for doing
all the nitty gritty details of dhtml sites, but as the scope of the
functionality in the site your are building grows towards that of a desktop
app, it still becomes too easy to get sucked into the Big Ball Of Mud (that
may say something about my discipline though....). There may be guidance
already out there for jquery, but it would be useful to have a project that
offers a cohesive bunch of tools that are considered the best starting point
for that type of site development. I think there are already some good
plugins that could be referenced, like the history plugin that I've recently

I think you could bundle all of this up into a jquery plugin though, without
the need for it to be a branded jquery project.

2009/2/24 John Resig <jere...@gmail.com>

> Hi Justin -
> >  jQuery community,
> >  Amazing work.  I can't believe how fast jQuery has developed into
> > the best bottom-up JS library. 1.4 looks great.  But as jQuery expands
> > to include things like lazy loading, it might be time for a sister
> > project that provides important, but less commonly needed
> > functionality in a standard and organized way.
> I want to be very clear that we aren't, necessarily, looking to move
> in that direction. The jQuery 1.4 roadmap is just a massive dump of
> all the ideas that we've received from users over the past months and
> years - it's in no way an indication of what we're working on or the
> ultimate direction we'll head in.
> For those that haven't seen it yet, here's our roadmap dump for the time
> being:
> http://docs.jquery.com/JQuery_1.4_Roadmap
> > That being said, I'm going to skip to step #2:
> >
> > jQuery community,
> > What would you like to see in the jQuery "Framework"?
> > How do you organize your applications?
> > What sucks about testing, compression, documentation, etc?
> I'd argue that step 0 is answering the question:
>  - What problems are you (and others) trying to solve that are
> difficult (or impossible) to achieve in jQuery today?
> Step 1 is then answering:
>  - Can those problems be solved using existing jQuery idioms and, if
> not, what features need to exist to make that possible.
> What should be driven at is: "Do we really need new code, or is better
> documentation and a few choice features a better solution?"
> We've been discussing this internally in the jQuery team during the
> past couple weeks and we came up with a plan for explaining how to
> tackle complex application development using the (poorly explained)
> resources that jQuery already provides. And then, from there, moving
> on to tackle code.
> I have the outline of notes that I've written up including the
> different development concepts that jQuery tackles (such as
> Encapsulation, Reusability, Extensibility, and Modularity):
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=awtg3p8j2p2_92c7jk7kgj
> Now I feel that if we make an honest attempt to survey and explain
> what jQuery does to build a complex application from there we'll
> arrive at an appropriate solution, realizing what the missing gaps
> are. A couple solutions could be:
>  - jQuery + Debugging plugin
>  - jQuery + Widget code (advanced plugin authoring) + Debugging plugin
>  - jQuery + MVC-style framework
> But I think it's both silly and foolish to assume that the only
> solution to the problem of complexity is to hit it with the
> MVC/Classical inheritance stick. Good solutions exist - and many of
> them already exist in jQuery.
> I would definitely appreciate your input on this, Justin, and others
> who've already replied (specifically those who can answer question 0
> for us). Helping us to understand the exact problems that are being
> faced can help us to construct better documentation, better code, and
> ultimately a better experience for a jQuery developer.
> --John

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