Personally I think functionality should be put where it belongs, people 
should stop trying to shove functionality into jQuery turning it into a 
bloated framework.
jQuery is great for node selection, jQuery is great for dom 
manipulation, jQuery is great for various forms of AJAX, jQuery is great 
for animation...
jQuery isn't a library trying to add partial ES5 support to legacy 
browsers, a library providing a stdlib of array and string manipulation 
methods, a browser side module loading system, etc...
Functionality like that should be done in separate JS frameworks built 
for those purposes. Like how I started my Wrench.js project as "a 
library providing a stdlib of array and string manipulation methods".

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []

Már wrote:
> So, would jQuery and jQuery plugin developmers benefit from having
> some sort of (highly optimized of course ;) prototypal inheritance
> methods built into the core library?
> My vote: Yes.
> What do you guys think?
> --
> Már

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