
Haha. Are you insulting me?

On Aug 13, 3:05 am, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @robert
> But widgets are all about DOM elements. So why shouldn't a widget
> system be?
> I don't know about you, but I want the ability to add a multi-method
> API to jQuery without cluttering it's namespace. Namespace clutter is
> bad practice.
> http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/bestpractices/, scroll to: Avoid
> Cluttering The Global Namespace, it also has links for closures and
> private members
> I know this talks about the global namespace, but this can very well
> be applied to the jQuery namespace.
> http://www.dustindiaz.com/namespace-your-javascript/, another way for
> private members, but similar in practice
> As for who expects .dialog() to return a namespace rather than display
> something: When you call jQuery, what does it return? (Hint: a
> namespace)
> On Aug 13, 10:43 am, Robert Katić <robert.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > @tres
> > An plugin/widget system is about widgets, not DOM elements.
> > If you have to extend jQuery adding some DOM related stuff, you will
> > continue to add that stuff to jQuery or jQuery.fn directly or with
> > extend().
> > Closures are great to make "private" things, but it requires that
> > "public" functions are defined inside that closure too. Good for
> > "singletons", not for prototyping...
> > On Aug 13, 2:12 am, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > And using:
> > > this.$el
> > > as the jQuery object array is cleaner than using just:
> > > this
> > > ??
> > > I think a big issue we have right now - and I am also partially guilty
> > > of this - is that we all want to have a part in this. In doing that we
> > > get blinded by thinking that our way is the best way.
> > > What I see a lot of people trying to do, is make JavaScript into
> > > something that it isn't. Call me crazy, but I don't think this is the
> > > proper way to go about this. Yes, it's a very, very flexible language,
> > > but it doesn't mean we need to change it's core behavior. This will
> > > come over time.
> > > For what it's worth, in my $.namespace, I implement a very similar
> > > method that jQuery's core does to implement its namespace and use
> > > 'this' as an array. You can apply objects to jQuery using the way ES
> > > intended objects to be used and constructed. Extending these plugins
> > > are done in the same exact way as ES intended: .prototype. Or if
> > > you're used to jQuery: .fn. This will allow for inheriting methods
> > > that will automate plugin configuration etc. if needed.
> > > // create your plugin
> > > $.fn.pluginName = $.namespace(constructor);
> > > // It doesn't require any special $.extend method, but you can use it:
> > > $.extend($.fn.pluginName.fn, {
> > >     method1 : function() {},
> > >     method2 : function() {}
> > > });
> > > // or inheritance from an object:
> > > $.extend($.fn.pluginName.fn, constructor.prototype);
> > > Introducing a whole new way to do something that you can already do
> > > and adding special rules for "readonly" methods (i.e. "_") immediately
> > > will make developing a widget/plugin for jQuery much less accessible
> > > and much less usable. You can already create private methods anyways:
> > > ;(function($) {
> > >     // yes, this is 'private'
> > >     function private() {};
> > >     // but this is public
> > >     $.fn.test = function() {
> > >         // but you can use private here
> > >         return private();
> > >     };
> > > })(jQuery);
> > > Look, I am not trying to say that everyone needs to use my way, or
> > > that anyone does. I believe it is the best way to approach this -
> > > currently. But that is my opinion based on certain facts. I am also
> > > not trying to be arrogant or offensive, even though it may be. Sorry
> > > for that.
> > > On Aug 13, 9:29 am, DBJDBJ <dbj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > The big picture
> > > > // this is so much more right
> > > > $('div').dialog().open();
> > > > // than this
> > > > $('div').dialog('open');
> > > > In more than one language, and there is more than one reason, too ...
> > > > Also. Are some "obsessed" with inheritance, here ?
> > > > This subject is "done and dusted" in the OO community, way way back,
> > > > in eighties.
> > > > If you have time, here is one balanced article (and also interesting
> > > > to this community ) :http://www.berniecode.com/writing/inheritance/
> > > > Etc ...
> > > > --DBJ
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