On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:08 AM, DBJDBJ<dbj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My intent
> Develop simpler, faster and more stable jQuery. This kind of delivery,
> would show measurable benefits (in spead increase and stability). It's
> a "no brainer": Imagine jQuery with zero IE workarounds inside.

I've yet to see any significant numbers backing up the "measurable
increase in speed and stability as of yet.  Ludovic mentioned he was
going to run some tests a little more than a week ago, but there
haven't been any results posted.

In a move that's going to significantly change how many use and
include jQuery in their pages, any move titled "no brainer" should be
highly suspect without data backing up its assertions.

So I suggest we table this discussion *until* such a time that
performance data is available for analysis and digestion.  Until then,
it's essentially people talking hypotheticals based on conjecture.

-- dz

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