
I believe the problem is that cross-domain requests aren't allowed.
Were you able to do this prior to incorporating ext?

What you probably need to do is make a request to your server, have it
get by some means then return the
content back to the browser.


On 4/1/07, Rob Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm working with the latest Ext alpha and jQuery to create a paned UI
and I want to load an external URI into one of those panels.  I've got
the layout nicely set up and I'm trying to get that URI to load via
AJaX.  There's not a lot of documentation I can find about that, so
I'm winging it.  I'm not having much success.  The layout is loading
on Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady().  To load the panel, I'm trying:

$(document).ready (
   function() {
      $('#panel-bottom').load ( '' );

I've also tried a second Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady() action.
Also no luck.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'm not sure where to look for
documentation around blending jQuery with Ext.  Can anyone tell me
where I'm going wrong and/or point me towards any documentation?

I appreciate it.


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