Karl Swedberg schrieb:

On Apr 4, 2007, at 7:02 AM, Klaus Hartl wrote:

I have one question though: I'm using Thunderbird and after the

transition to Google Groups a lot of threads get splitted into at least

two parts. Maybe the threading gets messed up if someone posts via web

interface? Any ideas anyone?

+1 back at ya, Klaus. I'm using mail.app and having the same problem (someone else mentioned this as a problem with Outlook, too). Maybe it has to do with googlegroups prepending the "Re: " before [jQuery] instead of inserting it after [jQuery]? In any case, if someone has figured out a way around this with any email app, please let us know.

I think threading is mostly done by some special headers, the "Re" is not that important (if at all, at least in Thunderbird).

That is also the reason, why I don't recommend to start new threads by hitting reply and changing the subject. Such mails get buried in old threads and the chance that these won't get read are much higher.

-- Klaus

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