For some reason, the result data is also being written to other
unordered lists on my page along w/ the actual results box. Anyone
know why this might be?

On Apr 10, 11:55 am, "vsanghvi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I looked around the group for something similar but couldn't find any
> issue that's similar. I'm using the Interface autocompleter, and it
> works properly and all, for some reason, the hovering effect takes
> place elsewhere on the page, and I can't figure out how to properly
> place it on the results box.
> So what happens, is that the results box shows up normally, but for
> some reason, there are two other copies of the results in the upper
> right hand and lower left hand corners of the screen. The actual
> hovering even takes place in the upper right hand part of the screen.
> I've put this on a flat page, and it works fine, but it might have
> something to do with the fact that its on a relatively positioned
> object... I'm not sure, and I couldn't hack the css in the
> iautocomplete.js script to get it to work, because I'm really not sure
> why I'm getting that effect.
> I uploaded it to the web:
> There might be other errors because I was working on this locally and
> some references don't point where they should...
> Thanks in advance for any help!

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