On 21/04/2007, at 12:43 AM, Chris Scott wrote:
I'm using Superfish for my menus and the Tabs plugin. By default, the Superfish menus show up behind the tabs. The Tabs css uses a z- index of 2 so I set the Superfish css to use a z-index of 3. This works in FF and the menus show up in front of the tabs. However, IE doesn't play nice and the menus show behind the tabs.

Has anyone come across this and have a fix? I'm using the bgiframe option in Superfish for the menus if that matters. I don't have the code posted right now since this is on a private system but I can work up a demo page if it would help.


Chris Scott

Hi Chris. I'd love to help you out. It's 1.30am here but I'll have a look at your problem tomorrow or ASAP if no-one else has solved it by then. If you could create a demo page that would definitely help resolve this easier and quicker.

Joel Birch.

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