Hi, Jim...

What I've typically done with non-JS calendars is put a details link
at the end of the summary row with ?Details=Yes&EventID=3 at the end
of the link refreshes the page, but this time the details area for the
event is showing.  Then the user just clicks "Hide Details" with ?Details=No
on the
end of the URL back to the same page and the details are gone.

I use ColdFusion CFIF statements to determine whether or not to display the

Usually the calendars are not that full of info such that it would pose a
burden on the
server to send all summary and detail info at once, but if there were
sufficient data,
I'd set up some kind of paging to limit the amount of data to return.

It just seems like it might be easier to work with two different pages,
non-JS and JS,
rather than intermingle so much if and cfif code, although I could be wrong
I haven't done this before.  I'm just starting to work with JS and jQuery...


-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 9:25 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Best way to determine if a user has Javascript

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> However, if JS isn't working, the details for every row in 
> the calendar
> will be showing and that's a no go.  Perhaps there is a way 
> to cause the
> calendar to default back to its original functionality with a 
> page refresh.
> Or the alternative is to develop two pages and send the user with JS
> to the JS page and the non-JS user to the non-JS page.

Rick - what would your non-JS page look like?? Where would your details
appear?  Anytime you get into developing two pages - you should probably
re-think your approach.


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