Forgot to add my example link:

Click auto complete (unknown if this is working at all in IE right now).
Definitely in FF.  Your plugin is the second example.

On 4/30/07 2:35 PM, "Shelane Enos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, a few other issues.
> If the default caching is set at 10 and matcheSubset default is true, why is
> it making a second call to the server when I add a new letter.
>     First input: cap
>     Additional letter: i
> Then a new query goes out to the server:
> Second question: is there a way I can do max all?  It seems counter
> intuitive if caching is used.  Unless it's set so that if caching is used,
> only the final output is limited.
> Third question: I have seen a few examples out there including these params:
> highlight: false,
>         highlight: function(value) {
>             //alert(value);
>             return value;
>             },
> But I don't see anything documenting these (in your documentation online).
> Thanks.
> On 4/30/07 2:05 PM, "Shelane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jörn,
>> I believe I found a bug in the new autocompleter.  Line 157 has:
>> var $input = $(input).attr("autocomplete",
>> "off").addClass(options.inputClass);
>> This throws a javascript error if jQuery.noConflict() has been called:
>> $(input).attr is not a function
>> changing it to var $input = jQuery(input).attr("autocomplete",
>> "off").addClass(options.inputClass);
>> fixes the problem
>> On Apr 19, 11:08 am, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Dan G. Switzer, II schrieb:>> What would be passed to the function?  The
>>> containing li?  a jQuery object
>>>>> containing the containing li?  The HTML text?
>>>> The source is available here:
>>>> .js
>>>> [...]
>>>> At the moment it runs against li.innerHTML.
>>> So far it was internal only, I'd pass the formatted string as the first
>>> argument and the other stuff in addition.
>>> Formatting would be very flexible then. Default takes a simple string
>>> and adds simple highlighting. Then you can replace that simple string
>>> with some custom formatting and default highlighting. Or you use
>>> formatting and include highlighting and switch off default
>>> highlighting... I hope we really need that degree.
>>> Ah, and thanks Dan for the regex and the link, I'll test that.
>>> --
>>> Jörn Zaefferer

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