that is almost exactly what I was looking for.  The major difference
is that it doesn't apply comments to regions but instead to blocks of
text.  not a fatal flaw but one that should be remedied.  in any case
many thanks for the pointer.  next task is to find a project partner
to handle the js/browser side.

--- eric

On May 2, 11:30 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> What you've described sounds quite a bit like the comment system that
> Jack Slocum has in place on his site. The good news is that he has
> put it together with EXT, which is in the process of being ported to
> jQuery as a plugin, or plugin suite.
> You can check out an example 
> here:
> ajax-driven-web-dialog-a-working-example/
> Cheers,
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl
> On May 2, 2007, at 10:33 PM, abused by speech recognition wrote:
> > forgive me if this is too off topic but this is a combination
> > technical information and a request for Project help
> > I would like to build an online tool for writers and I would like to
> > see if it's practical to do at all let alone with jquery.
> > the goal is to allow readers of a piece of work to insert in-line
> > comments and for the author to be able to review all comments in
> > context.
> > the rough workflow would be something like bring up a piece of work in
> > a browser, you are commenting on, through some activation technique
> > (double click or something) bring up the text area (below, to one
> > side, floating??)   When the comment is finished, submission closes
> > the text box, and leave a marker in the margin.
> > Clicking the marker shows the highlighted region in the original text,
> > and read-only comments.  If you are the original creator, the comment
> > could go up read/write.
> > A later version (assuming the first one gets built) would allow you to
> > switch between different versions of the main text with associated
> > comments.
> > This model of user interface for commenting on writing maps  nicely to
> > how people make comments on paper so it should be easily learned by
> > those who hate wordprocessors.  this user interface model should also
> > be useful in a variety of ways beyond document reviews.  For example,
> > blog comments would be integrated to the part of the document the
> > reader is commenting on instead of piled on at the end.
> > But in order to implement this, I need some help.  I can handle all of
> > the server-side code and databases in Python just fine.  The problem
> > with me doing a JavaScript or even jQuery is that I would have to
> > type.  Yup, I'm one of those used-to-be-programmers permanently
> > damaged by RSI and now I live with speech recognition.  I could give
> > you a long and detailed description of why programming by voice and
> > JavaScript is like gargling broken glass but I want to save my voice.
> > Like I said, my contribution would be server side and database plus a
> > system for hosting a demonstration instance of the application.  I'm
> > hoping I can find a volunteer to do the browser side of the effort to
> > team up with me on this project.  I do believe that this type of
> > commenting tool is a significant improvement over what's available
> > today because it's:
> > asynchronous mode of operation
> > author never loses control of the document
> > comments are collected logically according to section of document
> > commented on
> > comments are targeted to the section of document
> > contentious or problem areas show up just by the number of comments
> > indicated by the marginal marks
> > it's geeky cool new user interface.  Come on, you got to admit
> > that.  :-)
> > again, I apologize if I stepped on any toes or part of the culture of
> > the list.
> > ---eric  (really and truly abused by speech recognition.  It makes
> > mistakes, I correct some)

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