On May 10, 5:05 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, Google Code supports https.
> --John

I've tried accessing it over https and tried my Google user name (with
an without the @gmail.com), but not had any luck (probably because I
am not a member). Is there a checkout only role? If not, then I could
always add my plugins (if given access) if they are useful and change
them to MIT/GPL rather than just MIT

Or will there be a way to check them out via a proxy page (which
either checks out live or is generated by a cron job).

> On 5/10/07, Sam Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On May 9, 6:14 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The jQuery subversion repository was moved to Google Code yesterday,
> > > so you can reference it there, at 
> > > least:http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/
> > > --John
> > Is there a way to access it over https as I can't do checkouts over
> > svn or even plain http? It would help as I would then know if a plugin
> > I download is the latest revision. The web based download does not
> > contain the revision number (i.e. instead it has $Id$, $LastChangedDate
> > $, $Rev$ etc)

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