I can help out a little there.  I started stepping through the error
with a debugger.  Since it's the packed version, I don't know where
exactly it's breaking, but I can tell you that your ajax request is
working properly.

Here's what little I can tell you.  The execution breaks in an
anonymous function.  The local variables at this time are c, which
looks like a P element; d, which is the string "innerHTML"; a, which
is a string "<p>Why won't you work?</p>"; and e, which is an object
that looks kinda like a mapping of DOM attributes to javascript
properties--probably a JQuery internal object.

So basically that code is saying:

  if there is a DOM property that maps to "innerHTML"
    if the ajax response is defined
      set the P element's innerHTML to the value of the response


On May 16, 11:48 pm, Bil Corry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote on 5/16/2007 8:02 PM:
> > My link is live! ANY IE TAKERS???
> >http://cigar.dynalias.org/test1.html
> I get a runtime error within jquery.js:
>         Line: 0
>         Error: Unknown runtime error
> It's highlighting the error as "c[e[d]]=a" within this bit:
>         if(e[d]){if(a!=undefined)c[e[d]]=a;
> Try switching to the uncompressed version of jQuery.
> - Bil

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