Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

DaveG wrote:
What I'd really like to do is maintain an array of tips, and selectors, and then iterate through that calling Tooltip. I can do that with the syntax above.
No, that won't work. The bodyHandler is supposed to be a callback function that is called whenever a tooltip is to be displayed. On the other hand, it would be easy to check if it is a string and use that as the body.
Is there another parameter that parses out the title and the body based on a ":" delimiter? I thought I read a post regarding that (of course, now I can't find the post).

So what I'm looking for, basically, is a way to pass the tooltip text in via a parameter, rather than from the 'title'. This will let me maintain all tooltip text in a single place -- an array of tips/selectors.
Could you provide some pseudo-code how you'd like to work with that? I'm especially interested in the data format you're using, with the idea in mind, that you can achieve what you want with the existing features. I just need to take a look at your data to give you the right idea.

Something like:
   $(...).Tooltip({body: "some text for a hint -- no title needed"});
   $(...).Tooltip({body: "some text for another hint."});

Of course, as I started playing around it occured to me that:
$(...).attr("title", "some text for a hint -- no title needed").Tooltip();

should work equally well. I'll do a quick test tonight.

 ~ ~ Dave

NB: Some specific samples:
'Drag and drop the item image into the xyz or press the \'xyz\' button to add items.' 'Click on \'Save This Search\' to add your current search to your saved search list. Any searches in your Saved Searches can be used again without you having to remember all of the details. Just click the Saved Search name!'
'Click here to save your search'

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